# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
21 Predicting long-term performance of cement disposal systems for radionuclide-loaded zeolite and titanate ion exchangers EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2016 March 31, 2019 Closed
22 Diamond Electronics in Robotics EPSRC
Feb. 3, 2020 May 2, 2024 Active
23 Development of solidification techniques with minimised water content for safe storage of secondary radioactive aqueous wastes in Fukushima EPSRC
Nov. 30, 2015 June 30, 2018 Closed
24 Birmingham Nuclear Physics Consolidated Grant 2016 STFC
Sept. 30, 2017 Sept. 30, 2021 Closed
25 An innovative cost saving solution for 100 years of nuclear waste containment Innovate UK
April 30, 2021 Dec. 31, 2023 Active
26 CHaracterisation, Imaging and MaPping of fuel debris for safe retrieval (CHIMP) EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2017 Sept. 30, 2019 Closed
27 Environmental behaviour and management of U-containing fuel debris particles EPSRC
Oct. 31, 2018 Sept. 30, 2021 Closed
28 Thrust-vectoring Drone Delivery and Remote Operation of a Wind Turbine Blade Autonomous Repair Manipulator (VECTARM) Innovate UK
Nov. 1, 2022 April 29, 2023 Active
29 Advanced Compton-geometry gamma radiation imaging for radionuclide measurement in soils and geomaterials NERC
March 17, 2014 June 1, 2015 Closed
30 AMS-UK: A UK Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility for Nuclear Fission Research EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2019 Nov. 30, 2023 Active
31 Technology development to evaluate dose rate distribution in PCV and to search for fuel debris submerged in water EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2015 Sept. 30, 2018 Closed
32 JUNO: A Network for Japan - UK Nuclear Opportunities EPSRC
Nov. 30, 2016 Nov. 29, 2023 Active
33 JUNO: A Network for Japan - UK Nuclear Opportunities EPSRC
Nov. 30, 2016 Nov. 28, 2022 Closed
34 JUNO: A Network for Japan - UK Nuclear Opportunities EPSRC
March 1, 2023 March 1, 2024 Active
35 Digitalised Autonomous System for Nuclear Waste Sort and Segregation Innovate UK
March 1, 2021 May 31, 2021 Closed
36 ASPIRE: Advanced Self-Powered sensor units in Intense Radiation Environments EPSRC
Feb. 1, 2017 Jan. 31, 2021 Closed
37 Simulating groundwater flow and contaminant migration in heterogeneous alluvial sediments NERC
Sept. 30, 2022 March 31, 2026 Active
38 FastEDR - Fastener Electro-Discharge Removal for high-value engineering systems Innovate UK
July 31, 2021 July 30, 2022 Closed
39 Mission Planning for Long-Term Deployment using Probabilistic Environment Models EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 30, 2024 Active
40 Robust Legged Locomotion for Autonomous Mobility in Challenging Environments EPSRC
Feb. 1, 2019 Aug. 31, 2021 Closed