# | Title | Funder | Funding | Start | End | Status |
61 | Large Scale Storage for Network Services | EPSRC | £1,821,585 |
April 23, 2015 | April 23, 2018 | Closed |
62 | Towards next-generation multi-junction solar absorbers - new THz probes of charge dynamics in quantum dots | STFC | £149,514 |
Nov. 1, 2012 | Oct. 31, 2013 | Closed |
63 | Towards next-generation multi-junction solar absorbers - new THz probes of charge dynamics in quantum dots | STFC | £249,190 |
Nov. 1, 2012 | Oct. 31, 2013 | Closed |
64 | Feasibility of the use of frozen walls in molten salt fast reactors (MSFR-FW) | EPSRC | £403,472 |
July 2, 2017 | July 1, 2018 | Closed |
65 | Feasibility of the use of frozen walls in molten salt fast reactors (MSFR-FW) | EPSRC | £1,008,680 |
July 2, 2017 | July 2, 2018 | Closed |
66 | Long-Range Charge and Energy Transfer at Heterojunctions for Photovoltaics Beyond the Shockley-Queisser Limit | EPSRC | £5,184,640 |
March 1, 2015 | Feb. 29, 2020 | Closed |