# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
61 Upgrading of bio-oil using novel catalysts EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2016 Sept. 30, 2019 Closed
62 Upgrading of bio-oil using novel catalysts EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2016 Sept. 29, 2019 Closed
63 High temperature normalisation: the impact of scale growth on surface cosmetics and performance of carbon steel conveyance tubes EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2021 Sept. 29, 2025 Active
64 Advanced Gas Turbine cycles for high efficiency and sustainable future conventional generation EPSRC
May 31, 2015 Nov. 30, 2018 Closed
65 Advanced Gas Turbine cycles for high efficiency and sustainable future conventional generation EPSRC
May 31, 2015 Nov. 30, 2018 Closed
66 The development of effective grain refiner for the production of high performance light metal castings EPSRC
July 31, 2012 Oct. 31, 2013 Closed
67 The development of effective grain refiner for the production of high performance light metal castings EPSRC
July 31, 2012 Oct. 31, 2013 Closed
68 ENVIRO-COAT: ENVIROnmentally assisted, engineered Corrosion prOducts for Aqueous corrosion miTigation EPSRC
March 31, 2020 March 31, 2023 Closed
69 Fabrication of new multi- metallic catalyst from low concentrations of critical metals using electrodeposition EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2018 Dec. 30, 2022 Active
70 Optical Fibre Sensors for Gas Sensing in Extreme Environments EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2021 March 30, 2025 Active
71 DAWNMANTLE - Decontamination and waste minimisation strategies for and using advanced molten salt nuclear technologies EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2019 Feb. 28, 2023 Closed
72 Step change material efficiency for steel and aluminium. EPSRC
Jan. 1, 2009 July 30, 2014 Closed
73 Step change material efficiency for steel and aluminium. EPSRC
Jan. 1, 2009 July 31, 2014 Closed
74 Feasibility of the use of frozen walls in molten salt fast reactors (MSFR-FW) EPSRC
July 2, 2017 July 1, 2018 Closed
75 Feasibility of the use of frozen walls in molten salt fast reactors (MSFR-FW) EPSRC
July 2, 2017 July 2, 2018 Closed
76 Development of a low carbon heating and cooling system with storage and gender based temperature regulation for public and commercial buildings Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 29, 2021 Closed
77 Development of a low carbon heating and cooling system with storage and gender based temperature regulation for public and commercial buildings Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 30, 2021 Closed
78 Thin film solid electrolyte batteries EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2018 Sept. 29, 2022 Active
79 Development and Applications of Aberration Corrected Environmental STEM (AC ESTEM) for Dynamic In-Situ Reaction Studies of Nanoparticle Catalysts EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2012 Dec. 31, 2016 Closed
80 Causal AI for Accelerated Battery Materials Development Innovate UK
Nov. 1, 2022 Oct. 31, 2025 Active