# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
81 The determinants of the renewable energy stock returns and associated investments ESRC
Oct. 3, 2021 Oct. 3, 2024 Active
82 The determinants of the renewable energy stock returns and associated investments ESRC
Oct. 3, 2021 Oct. 2, 2024 Active
83 Neuromorphic memristive circuits to simulate inhibitory and excitatory dynamics of neuron networks: from physiological similarities to deep learning EPSRC
Jan. 6, 2020 Jan. 31, 2024 Active
84 Improving Prediction of Fronts NERC
March 30, 2014 May 31, 2017 Closed
85 Integrated Assessment Models, Industrial Ecology and the energy-material nexus of electric vehicle batteries EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2018 Sept. 29, 2022 Active
86 Political Economies of Clean Energy Transition in Pakistan ESRC
Oct. 2, 2022 Oct. 2, 2026 Active
87 Political Economies of Clean Energy Transition in Pakistan ESRC
Oct. 2, 2022 Oct. 1, 2026 Active
88 AI enabled EV charge point location optimiser Innovate UK
July 31, 2021 March 31, 2022 Closed
89 AI enabled EV charge point location optimiser Innovate UK
July 31, 2021 March 30, 2022 Closed
90 The role of property, ownership and land tenure on landscape decision making: The case of Scotland's 'low carbon farming' policies NERC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 7, 2021 Closed
91 Data-Smart Building Case Studies EPSRC
May 31, 2020 May 31, 2023 Closed
92 Energy storage; Control of capillary pressure on hydrogen flow characteristics through reservoir rock and caprock integrity EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2019 Aug. 30, 2023 Active
93 Energy storage; Control of capillary pressure on hydrogen flow characteristics through reservoir rock and caprock integrity EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2019 Jan. 31, 2024 Active
94 Off the Grid: Relational Infrastructures for Fragile Futures ESRC
Aug. 31, 2013 Aug. 31, 2015 Closed
95 Adaptive multilevel stochastic collocation methods for uncertainty quantification EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2021 Nov. 30, 2022 Closed
96 Diffeomorphic Statistical Shape Models and Damage Quantification in Psoriatic Arthritis EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 30, 2024 Active
97 Water Energy Food: STEPPING UP EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2015 March 31, 2019 Closed
98 3-D Effects on Tokamak Plasma Stability EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 30, 2024 Active
99 Climate Resilience of EDF's Current Fleet: Impact of Flooding and Erosion from Extreme Rainfall SPF
Nov. 1, 2021 Jan. 10, 2022 Closed
100 Calving Laws for Ice Sheet Models CALISMO NERC
March 31, 2017 Aug. 30, 2021 Closed