# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
1 Investigation of technical implications of evolving from Microgrids to Peer to EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2019 Sept. 30, 2022 Closed
2 A Study on the Effectiveness of Blockchain Technologies and Energy Storage in the Electricity Distribution System EPSRC, NERC
Aug. 31, 2018 Oct. 15, 2022 Closed
3 A Study on the Effectiveness of Blockchain Technologies and Energy Storage in the Electricity Distribution System EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2018 Oct. 14, 2022 Active
4 Energy Autonomous Community (Isle of Wight) Innovate UK
Feb. 1, 2019 July 30, 2019 Closed
5 Energy Autonomous Community (Isle of Wight) ISCF
Feb. 1, 2019 July 31, 2019 Closed
6 Community Energy Dynamic Solution with Blockchain (CEDISON) Innovate UK
Nov. 1, 2017 Oct. 31, 2018 Closed
7 Community Energy Dynamic Solution with Blockchain (CEDISON) Innovate UK
Nov. 1, 2017 Oct. 31, 2018 Closed
8 Affordable and clean energy via resilient and autonomous micro-grids EPSRC
June 24, 2018 June 23, 2022 Closed
9 Bristol Energy Smart System Transformation ISCF
Feb. 1, 2019 July 31, 2019 Closed
10 Bristol Energy Smart System Transformation Innovate UK
Feb. 1, 2019 July 30, 2019 Closed
11 Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading and Sharing - 3M (Multi-times, Multi-scales, Multi-qualities) EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2016 Feb. 29, 2020 Closed
12 Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading and Sharing - 3M (Multi-times, Multi-scales, Multi-qualities) EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2016 Feb. 29, 2020 Closed
13 Open Source Micro Metering & Control for P2P Micro Grid Innovate UK
July 31, 2012 Jan. 31, 2013 Closed
14 Open Source Micro Metering & Control for P2P Micro Grid Innovate UK
July 31, 2012 Jan. 31, 2013 Closed
15 Blockchain & IoT Enabled Energy Revolution (BITE-ER) Innovate UK
April 30, 2018 Jan. 31, 2019 Closed
16 Blockchain & IoT Enabled Energy Revolution (BITE-ER) Innovate UK
April 30, 2018 Jan. 31, 2019 Closed
17 Market Design of a Blockchain-enabled, Peer-to-Peer, Low-carbon Microgrid EPSRC, NERC
Sept. 30, 2018 Dec. 31, 2022 Closed
18 Connect the unconnected: smart nanogrid management for peer-to-peer energy sharing Innovate UK
March 1, 2018 Aug. 31, 2018 Closed
19 ENabling FLexibility provision by all Actors and sectors through markets and digital TEchnologies (ENFLATE) Horizon Europe Guarantee
Aug. 31, 2022 Aug. 31, 2026 Active
20 Net Zero Terraced Street Innovate UK
March 31, 2023 June 30, 2023 Closed