# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
81 REAV-40 Offshore Wind Utility Extension (Resilience Fund) Innovate UK
Dec. 1, 2021 Jan. 31, 2022 Closed
82 HydroSurv - REAV-40 Offshore Wind Utility Extension ISCF
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2022 Closed
83 Natural Environment and Offshore Wind (NEOW) NERC
July 31, 2021 July 30, 2024 Active
84 Natural Environment and Offshore Wind (NEOW) NERC
July 31, 2021 Sept. 29, 2023 Closed
85 In-service X-ray radiography of offshore wind blades (RADBLAD) Innovate UK
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2019 Closed
86 In-service X-ray radiography of offshore wind blades (RADBLAD) AHRC, ISCF
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2019 Closed
87 Nanocrystalline Water Splitting Photodiodes II; Device Engineering, Integration and Scale-up EPSRC
April 30, 2011 Oct. 31, 2014 Closed
88 Nanocrystalline Water Splitting Photodiodes II; Device Engineering, Integration and Scale-up EPSRC
April 30, 2011 Oct. 31, 2014 Closed
89 UK Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Hub for Offshore Energy Asset Integrity Management ISCF
Oct. 1, 2017 March 31, 2022 Closed
90 Development of a standardised marine mammal monitoring system for the tidal energy industry NERC
Jan. 1, 2018 Dec. 31, 2021 Closed
91 Development of a standardised marine mammal monitoring system for the tidal energy industry NERC
Jan. 1, 2018 Dec. 31, 2021 Closed
92 Zirconium alloys for high burn-up fuel in current and advanced light water-cooled reactors EPSRC
March 31, 2007 March 31, 2012 Closed
93 Zirconium alloys for high burn-up fuel in current and advanced light water-cooled reactors EPSRC
July 31, 2007 July 31, 2012 Closed
94 Zirconium alloys for high burn-up fuel in current and advanced light water-cooled reactors EPSRC
May 31, 2007 May 31, 2012 Closed
95 4D-Printed MEMS Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2019 March 30, 2023 Active
96 Productizing Microfluidic Technology for Real-time Lubricating Oil Analysis on Wind Turbines Innovate UK
June 30, 2018 Dec. 31, 2019 Closed
97 Productizing Microfluidic Technology for Real-time Lubricating Oil Analysis on Wind Turbines Innovate UK
June 30, 2018 Dec. 31, 2019 Closed
98 Offshore Infrastructure Robotic Inspection System (OSIRIS) Demonstrator Innovate UK
March 1, 2019 March 30, 2022 Active
99 Offshore Infrastructure Robotic Inspection System (OSIRIS) Demonstrator ISCF
March 1, 2019 March 31, 2022 Closed
100 Environmental Crack Growth of Structural Materials in Pressurised Gas (ENCAMP) Innovate UK
Feb. 1, 2018 Oct. 31, 2019 Closed