# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
1 Mapping out the liquidus surface of hydrous silicic magmas in a hydrothermal diamond anvil cell NERC
May 31, 2007 Nov. 30, 2007 Closed
2 A UK-based internally heated pressure vessel (IHPV) system for studying geological and environmental processes at crustal pressures NERC
July 3, 2022 March 31, 2024 Active
3 Dating mineral formation during mid-ocean ridge flank hydrothermal circulation: Evidence from the Juan de Fuca Ridge, IODP Expedition 327 NERC
Feb. 10, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Closed
4 Dating mineral formation during mid-ocean ridge flank hydrothermal circulation: Evidence from the Juan de Fuca Ridge, IODP Expedition 327 NERC
Feb. 10, 2013 Aug. 9, 2013 Closed
5 Oxygen isotope variation in Icelandic gabbros: Deep hydrothermal flow or mantle heterogeneity? NERC
Nov. 3, 2006 April 2, 2010 Closed
6 Dielectric properties of aqueous fluids at depth NERC
Nov. 1, 2020 Dec. 1, 2024 Active
7 Processes governing semi-metal - PGE linkage in crustal magmatic systems: opportunities for discovery and recovery NERC
Aug. 31, 2013 June 29, 2014 Closed
8 Processes governing semi-metal - PGE linkage in crustal magmatic systems: opportunities for discovery and recovery NERC
Aug. 31, 2013 June 30, 2014 Closed
9 Thermo-mechanical property measurement of nuclear graphites at elevated temperatures EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2019 Dec. 31, 2023 Active
10 Cruise support for Dr Christopher Smith-Duque, shipboard petrologist on IODP Expedition 329 NERC
Oct. 7, 2010 Jan. 7, 2011 Closed
11 Cruise support for Dr Christopher Smith-Duque, shipboard petrologist on IODP Expedition 329 NERC
Oct. 7, 2010 Jan. 7, 2011 Closed
12 Quantifying Ridge Flank Hydrothermal Alteration on the Juan de Fuca Ridge: IODP Expedition 327 NERC
June 3, 2013 Dec. 3, 2013 Closed
13 Quantifying Ridge Flank Hydrothermal Alteration on the Juan de Fuca Ridge: IODP Expedition 327 NERC
June 3, 2013 Dec. 3, 2013 Closed
14 Development of barocaloric materials for next generation refrigerants UKRI
Jan. 1, 2022 Dec. 31, 2025 Active
15 Development of barocaloric materials for next generation refrigerants FLF
Jan. 1, 2022 Dec. 31, 2025 Active
16 Laminar Burning Velocity Measurements Over Wide-Ranging Temperatures and Pressures for Renewable and Conventional Fuels EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2010 June 29, 2014 Closed
17 The dynamics of dyke injection during rifting - combining geodetic and seismic methodologies NERC
Nov. 15, 2007 Nov. 14, 2010 Closed
18 Project Description for Measurement of In-Service Turbine Blade Clearance, and Transmission through the Casing Wall. EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2017 Sept. 29, 2021 Closed
19 Sixty million years of seafloor alteration: spatial-temporal controls on volatile incorporation along a 1000 km transect of oceanic crust NERC
March 1, 2022 Feb. 29, 2024 Active
20 Geothermal systems related to rapid uplift on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand NERC
Feb. 1, 2010 July 31, 2012 Closed