# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
21 Torque generation in the bacterial flagellar motor BBSRC
June 10, 2010 Dec. 31, 2013 Closed
22 Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2016 Sept. 29, 2024 Active
23 Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2016 Sept. 30, 2024 Active
24 From emissions to climate impacts and back again NERC
April 30, 2020 April 30, 2024 Active
25 Measured dynamic loading and power performance of tidal turbines in realistic flow conditions EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2014 Sept. 29, 2015 Closed
26 Energy-Use Minimisation via High Performance Heat-Power-Cooling Conversion and Integration: A Holistic Molecules to Technologies to Systems Approach EPSRC
Dec. 15, 2016 Sept. 14, 2021 Closed
27 Energy-Use Minimisation via High Performance Heat-Power-Cooling Conversion and Integration: A Holistic Molecules to Technologies to Systems Approach EPSRC
Dec. 15, 2016 Sept. 13, 2021 Closed
28 Time-resolved cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscope EPSRC
Feb. 1, 2018 Jan. 31, 2021 Closed
29 Training in hIPSC differentiation protocols to generate motor neuron-muscle cultures to replace rat models in study of mitochondria on axon physiology NC3Rs
Feb. 1, 2017 Jan. 31, 2019 Closed
30 Perspective Media: Personalised Video Storytelling for Data Engagement EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2017 May 31, 2019 Closed
31 Assessment of commercialisation opportunities relating to augmented reality capability within mobile apps developed by the British Geological Survey NERC
Dec. 21, 2017 March 20, 2018 Closed
32 Sponsorship Award. Cell-by-Cell: On Demand Assembly & Control of Microbial Communities for the Water Industry. EPSRC
April 30, 2014 Aug. 31, 2015 Closed
33 Metal-hydrido intermediates in enzymes: atomic level mechanistic insight and technological applications of hydrogenases BBSRC
March 1, 2014 Dec. 31, 2017 Closed
34 Metal-hydrido intermediates in enzymes: atomic level mechanistic insight and technological applications of hydrogenases BBSRC
Jan. 14, 2014 Jan. 13, 2017 Closed
35 Integrated Drive System with Modularised Energy Storage for Automotive Applications EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 30, 2024 Active
36 UK Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Hub for Offshore Energy Asset Integrity Management ISCF
Oct. 1, 2017 March 31, 2022 Closed
37 Refresh: Remodeling Building Design Sustainability from a Human Centered Approach EPSRC
June 30, 2013 Sept. 30, 2019 Closed
38 Combustor thermoacoustics for multi-burner low emissions gas turbines (CHAMBER) EPSRC
Jan. 1, 2017 Dec. 31, 2020 Closed
39 Space Weather Impacts on Ground Systems (SWIGS) NERC
April 30, 2017 Nov. 1, 2021 Closed
40 Space Weather Impacts on Ground Systems (SWIGS) NERC
April 30, 2017 Nov. 12, 2021 Closed