# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
41 Innovative Accelerator Technology for Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2007 March 30, 2009 Closed
42 Innovative Accelerator Technology for Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2007 March 31, 2009 Closed
43 High Fidelity Ion Beam Simulation of High Dose Neutron Irradiation EPSRC
June 25, 2014 Dec. 25, 2017 Closed
44 Performance and Reliability of Metallic Materials for Nuclear Fission Power Generation EPSRC
June 30, 2010 March 31, 2015 Closed
45 Digital fast neutron assay of uranium EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2016 May 31, 2017 Closed
46 Development of the Segmented Inverted Coaxial Germanium (SIGMA) Detector for Enhanced Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Imaging STFC
June 30, 2015 June 30, 2018 Closed
47 Realising the Commercial Potential of the Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale FETCH Technology for Nuclear Safety Applications EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2010 Aug. 31, 2011 Closed
48 Seeing the invisible - from neutrons to photons EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2022 March 31, 2024 Active
49 Study of the feasibility of setting up and operating a pilot-scale nuclear molten salt reactor demonstration Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2014 July 30, 2015 Closed
50 Study of the feasibility of setting up and operating a pilot-scale nuclear molten salt reactor demonstration Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2014 July 31, 2015 Closed
51 Development of Radiation Resilient Ultrasonic Sensors (ReDRESS) Innovate UK
Dec. 1, 2017 Aug. 31, 2019 Closed
52 Deposition-MSFR: a numerical study for the surface plating of noble metals in Molten Salt Fast Reactors STFC
Jan. 1, 2022 Aug. 30, 2022 Closed
53 Ni-based ODS alloys for Molten Salt Reactors EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2019 Nov. 30, 2023 Active
54 Linking Microstructure to Neutron Irradiation Defects in Advanced Manufacture of Steels EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2017 Sept. 29, 2021 Closed
55 Radiation Damage in Nanoporous Nuclear Materials EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2015 March 31, 2020 Closed
56 CRIS-TRAP: a gas-filled linear Paul trap for the CRIS experiment at ISOLDE STFC
Sept. 30, 2018 March 31, 2019 Closed
57 CHaracterisation, Imaging and MaPping of fuel debris for safe retrieval (CHIMP) EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2017 Sept. 30, 2019 Closed
58 Thermal-Hydraulics measurement and sensing techniques for Nuclear Applications EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2021 Sept. 29, 2025 Active
59 Understanding the mechanisms controlling low potential stress corrosion cracking in nuclear reactors EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2017 May 31, 2022 Closed
60 Gamma-KEV: Imaging the invisible STFC
Nov. 1, 2008 Oct. 31, 2011 Closed