# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
41 Dolphin IV Innovate UK, STFC
Feb. 1, 2013 July 31, 2013 Closed
42 Interdisciplinary Centre for for Storage, Transformation and Upgrading of Thermal Energy (i-STUTE) EPSRC
March 31, 2013 Dec. 31, 2018 Closed
43 CableDyn: Subsea Power Cable Dynamics Under Complex Ocean Environment EPSRC
March 1, 2022 May 30, 2025 Active
44 CableDyn: Subsea Power Cable Dynamics Under Complex Ocean Environment EPSRC
May 31, 2022 May 31, 2025 Active
45 Fully Submerged Evolution of SeaGen for Exposed Open Deep Water Locations EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2010 May 30, 2012 Closed
46 Ammonia Marine Propulsion System - USV (AMPS-USV) Innovate UK
Aug. 31, 2021 March 30, 2022 Closed
47 AutoNaut for Extreme Environments - extension Innovate UK
March 31, 2021 March 30, 2022 Closed
48 AutoNaut for Extreme Environments - extension ISCF
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2022 Closed
49 Autonomous Vehicle for Inspection of offshore wind farm Subsea INfrastructure (AVISIoN) Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2017 Sept. 29, 2019 Closed
50 Autonomous Vehicle for Inspection of offshore wind farm Subsea INfrastructure (AVISIoN) Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2017 Sept. 30, 2019 Closed
51 Offshore Wind - Blade Access System and working Environment (BASE) Project Innovate UK
June 30, 2018 March 30, 2021 Closed
52 Offshore Wind - Blade Access System and working Environment (BASE) Project AHRC, Innovate UK
June 30, 2018 March 31, 2021 Closed
53 Feasibility and potential synergies of incorporating WaveNET wave energy devices into offshore aquaculture sites Innovate UK
Nov. 1, 2013 Sept. 30, 2015 Closed
54 2ZERO - Towards Zero Emissions in Regional Airline Operations Innovate UK
Dec. 1, 2020 Aug. 30, 2022 Active
55 Thermal energy storage solUtions to optimally Manage BuildingS and Unlock their grid balancing and flexibility Potential Horizon Europe Guarantee
Jan. 1, 2023 Dec. 31, 2026 Active
56 Rethinking nuclear waste risks EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2022 Sept. 30, 2026 Active
57 Turbulence Control IP Strategy Innovate UK
July 31, 2013 Jan. 31, 2014 Closed
58 Turbulence Control IP Strategy Innovate UK
July 31, 2013 Jan. 31, 2014 Closed
59 Basic Research phase of Combined Lift-Momentum-Reversal Turbine for Tidal Stream EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2007 Feb. 28, 2009 Closed
60 RenewableCrypto Innovate UK
May 31, 2022 Aug. 31, 2022 Closed