# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
1 A Seismic Investigation of the Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems of Nabro Volcano and other East African Rift Volcanoes NERC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 30, 2024 Active
2 Volcano Monitoring using InSAR: application to the Cascades Volcanoes NERC
Sept. 30, 2011 Sept. 30, 2015 Closed
3 Electromagnetic Array Research over a Tectonic Hotspot (EARTH) NERC
Sept. 11, 2023 Sept. 11, 2028 Active
4 Oceanographic and Biotic Changes in Australia During Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events NERC
Sept. 30, 2018 April 30, 2023 Closed
5 Active and Passive Seismic Interferometry in Directionally Biassed Wavefields NERC
Sept. 30, 2009 Sept. 30, 2013 Closed
6 Using machine learning to optimise biofuel and industrial compound production in cyanobacteria BBSRC
Sept. 30, 2018 Dec. 31, 2022 Active
7 Using machine learning to optimise biofuel and industrial compound production in cyanobacteria NERC
Sept. 30, 2018 Dec. 31, 2022 Closed
8 Impacts of Atmospheric Turbulence on Wind Turbine Main-Bearing Function and Failures EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 29, 2024 Active
9 Impacts of Atmospheric Turbulence on Wind Turbine Main-Bearing Function and Failures EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2020 Sept. 30, 2024 Active
10 Modelling effects of climate change on photosynthetic enzymes to find solutions for future food and environmental security NERC
Sept. 30, 2019 May 30, 2023 Active
11 Modelling effects of climate change on photosynthetic enzymes to find solutions for future food and environmental security NERC
Sept. 30, 2019 May 31, 2023 Closed
12 Active fault slip-rates and earthquake recurrence controlled by stress transfer and viscous flow NERC
Aug. 31, 2021 Aug. 31, 2024 Active
13 Active wind farm control via morphing blade technology EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2022 Sept. 29, 2025 Active
14 Active wind farm control via morphing blade technology EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2022 Sept. 30, 2025 Active
15 Stream food webs in a changing climate NERC
Sept. 30, 2008 Sept. 29, 2012 Closed
16 Stream food webs in a changing climate NERC
Sept. 30, 2008 Sept. 30, 2012 Closed
17 The role of ion and proton transfer for the activation of GPCRs BBSRC
Sept. 2, 2018 Jan. 2, 2023 Active
18 Proglacial lakes and their impact on Himalayan glacier evolution NERC
Jan. 1, 2022 June 29, 2025 Active
19 Proglacial lakes and their impact on Himalayan glacier evolution NERC
Jan. 1, 2022 June 30, 2025 Active
20 The dynamics of dyke injection during rifting - combining geodetic and seismic methodologies NERC
Nov. 15, 2007 Nov. 14, 2010 Closed