# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
21 Liverpool Multi-vector Energy Exchange - Resilience Innovate UK
Dec. 1, 2021 Jan. 31, 2022 Closed
22 Liverpool Multi-vector Energy Exchange Innovate UK
March 1, 2020 April 29, 2023 Active
23 Liverpool Multi-vector Energy Exchange - Resilience Innovate UK
Dec. 1, 2021 Jan. 31, 2022 Closed
24 Control of renewable electricity networks EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2021 March 31, 2025 Active
25 Control of renewable electricity networks EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2021 March 30, 2025 Active
26 PLATFORM: Decentralised polygeneration of energy: Cross-disciplinary research at Imperial College London EPSRC
Nov. 20, 2007 Aug. 19, 2010 Closed
27 Nano-structured Catalysts for CO2 Transformation to Fuels and Products EPSRC
April 30, 2013 April 30, 2017 Closed
28 Nano-structured Catalysts for CO2 Transformation to Fuels and Products EPSRC
April 30, 2013 April 29, 2017 Closed
29 A Low Cost, High Capacity, Smart Residential Distribution Network Enabled By SiC Power Electronics Innovate UK
Jan. 1, 2015 March 30, 2018 Closed
30 Gravitricity Ltd, Development of Hybrid Mechanical and Compressed Air Energy Storage System Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2016 Aug. 30, 2017 Closed
31 Gravitricity Ltd, Development of Hybrid Mechanical and Compressed Air Energy Storage System Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2016 Aug. 31, 2017 Closed
32 V2GO Innovate UK
May 31, 2018 Nov. 30, 2020 Closed
33 V2GO Innovate UK
May 31, 2018 Nov. 30, 2020 Closed
34 Assessing the potential for smart, wireless electricity meters in off-grid Sub-Saharan Africa Innovate UK
Dec. 1, 2016 Nov. 30, 2017 Closed
35 Resilient timing for electricity distributed energy resource management Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2021 March 31, 2022 Closed
36 EGridSync: Resilient timing for electricity distributed energy resource management Innovate UK
Nov. 1, 2022 June 30, 2024 Active
37 EGridSync: Resilient timing for electricity distributed energy resource management Innovate UK
Nov. 1, 2022 March 31, 2024 Active
38 Resilient timing for electricity distributed energy resource management Innovate UK
Sept. 30, 2021 March 30, 2022 Closed
39 90% lower cost alkaline electrolysers using novel catalyst and membranes to establish green hydrogen infrastructure for cross sectoral industrial markets. Innovate UK
March 31, 2012 March 30, 2015 Closed
40 90% lower cost alkaline electrolysers using novel catalyst and membranes to establish green hydrogen infrastructure for cross sectoral industrial markets. Innovate UK
March 31, 2012 March 31, 2015 Closed