# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
61 Centre for Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy Generation EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2016 May 31, 2021 Closed
62 Novel restoration materials for clean-up of radionuclides in the environment EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2014 March 31, 2017 Closed
63 Carbon reduction potential of wind and marine energy systems and their interactions EPSRC, NERC
Sept. 30, 2018 May 31, 2024 Closed
64 SusTEM Network: Sustainhermal Energy Management Network EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2013 May 31, 2016 Closed
65 SusTEM Network: Sustainhermal Energy Management Network EPSRC
Dec. 1, 2013 May 30, 2016 Closed
66 Sustainable gas pathways for Brazil; from microcosm to macrocosm NERC
April 30, 2016 Oct. 31, 2019 Closed
67 Measurable metrics for characterisation of large-scale turbulent structures in tidal races for the marine tidal energy industry EPSRC
June 30, 2017 Dec. 31, 2018 Closed
68 Measurable metrics for characterisation of large-scale turbulent structures in tidal races for the marine tidal energy industry EPSRC
June 30, 2017 Dec. 31, 2018 Closed
69 GCRF Building capacity for sustainable interactions with marine ecosystems for health, wellbeing, food and livelihoods of coastal communities NERC
July 1, 2020 March 31, 2022 Closed
70 GCRF Building capacity for sustainable interactions with marine ecosystems for health, wellbeing, food and livelihoods of coastal communities NERC
Sept. 30, 2017 July 1, 2020 Closed
71 Optimal Design of Very Large Tidal Stream Farms: for Shallow Estuarine Applications EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2012 March 30, 2016 Closed
72 Optimal Design of Very Large Tidal Stream Farms: for Shallow Estuarine Applications EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2012 March 31, 2016 Closed
73 Virtual Wave Structure Interaction (WSI) Simulation Environment EPSRC
Oct. 31, 2013 March 31, 2017 Closed
74 Re-Engineering the City 2020-2050: Urban Foresight and Transition Management EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2010 Sept. 29, 2014 Closed
75 Re-Engineering the City 2020-2050: Urban Foresight and Transition Management EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2010 Sept. 30, 2014 Closed