# Title Funder Funding Start End Status
1 Time-resolved cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscope EPSRC
Feb. 1, 2018 Jan. 31, 2021 Closed
2 EPSRC Capital Award for Core Equipment 2020/21 EPSRC
Nov. 9, 2020 May 7, 2022 Closed
3 Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope with atomic resolution spectroscopy under controlled environmental conditions: AC-eSTEM EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2019 Oct. 31, 2024 Active
4 Investigation of new semiconductor materials for wide band-gap devices EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2019 June 29, 2023 Active
5 Investigation of new semiconductor materials for wide band-gap devices EPSRC, NERC
Sept. 30, 2019 June 30, 2023 Closed
6 Underwater X-ray Spectrometer STFC
June 28, 2021 June 27, 2024 Active
7 XPS and X-ray tomography at the University of Glasgow EPSRC
May 31, 2022 May 30, 2024 Active
8 Developing Devices that use Biotemplated Nanoparticles for Sustainable Energy Generation EPSRC
Aug. 31, 2023 Aug. 31, 2026 Active
9 Hybrid pixel detector upgrade for electron energy loss spectrometer EPSRC
Nov. 1, 2020 April 29, 2022 Closed
10 Representative chemistry and strain analysis of fuel cell catalyst nanoparticles via machine learning and DFT modelling EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2022 March 30, 2026 Active
11 High Power Supercapacitor Carbon from Industrial Waste Material Innovate UK
July 31, 2015 Sept. 29, 2015 Closed
12 Particle Fragmentation in Gas Turbine Engines EPSRC
Feb. 1, 2019 July 30, 2022 Active
13 Smart electrodes for energy storage devices EPSRC
Jan. 1, 2024 Dec. 31, 2025 Active
14 Triple-Beam Focussed-Ion-Beam Microscope EPSRC
June 30, 2008 Dec. 31, 2012 Closed
15 Triple-Beam Focussed-Ion-Beam Microscope EPSRC
June 30, 2008 Dec. 31, 2012 Closed
16 Quantitative 4D-STEM imaging of light elements in Li-ion battery materials EPSRC
Sept. 30, 2019 March 30, 2023 Active
17 Torque generation in the bacterial flagellar motor BBSRC
June 10, 2010 Dec. 31, 2013 Closed
18 Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy tandem with laser ablation NERC
Sept. 30, 2019 July 29, 2020 Closed
19 Air quality supersite triplets (UK-AQST) NERC
Jan. 22, 2021 Feb. 21, 2024 Active
20 Exploring Cathode and Solid Electrolyte Materials for All-solid-state Battery Applications EPSRC
Jan. 1, 2017 Dec. 31, 2019 Closed