Rapid Electric-vehicle Brake Optimisation System (REBOS)

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Rapid Electric-vehicle Brake Optimisation System (REBOS)




Start Date
Sept. 30, 2020

End Date
Dec. 31, 2020


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The REBOS project is aiming to revolutionise the design, development and optimisation process for automotive braking systems, particularly those used on electric vehicles. Current industry processes rely heavily on physical vehicle testing, which is time consuming and expensive and the results of which can be open to the subjective feedback of the test driver. This testing also involves significant non-environmentally-sustainable international travel. Furthermore, the inaccuracy of physical testing means that brake systems are rarely fully optimised across all use cases meaning either they are often overly heavy, costing vehicle weight and therefore emissions/range or undersized, reducing performance and safety. D2H's proprietary optimisation system increases the input in the vehicle design process from simulation and modelling, biasing the development away from the physical and into the digital domain. The advantages of this are: 1. Faster vehicle development, bringing new ZEVs to market sooner, therefore speeding our transition to zero-carbon mobility. 2. Better informed decisions can be taken whilst still in the digital domain, reducing the number of changes made once physical prototypes have been built, significantly reducing costs and testing time, so improving business efficiency. 3. More configurations and system options can be trialled in far less time meaning the system can be better optimised, especially for EVs with a combination of regen and hydraulic braking: * Lighter, lower drag vehicles for better range * Improved stopping-power & EV torque distribution, therefore better stability and safety * Reduced emissions from brake particulates Overall, the REBOS project will allow a vehicle manufacturer to offer the consumer better products at lower prices than is currently possible.

Chris Hebert PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Brakes
  2. Vehicles
  3. Optimisation
  4. Automotive engineering
  5. Testing
  6. Planning and design
  7. Braking
  8. Motor vehicles
  9. Enterprises
  10. Electric cars
  11. Brake systems

Extracted key phrases
  1. Vehicle Brake Optimisation System
  2. Physical vehicle testing
  3. Vehicle design process
  4. Fast vehicle development
  5. Rapid Electric
  6. Low drag vehicle
  7. Electric vehicle
  8. Vehicle manufacturer
  9. Vehicle weight
  10. Rebos project
  11. Automotive braking system
  12. Physical testing
  13. Proprietary optimisation system
  14. Testing time
  15. Brake system

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