Feb. 13, 2024, 4:19 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 61015, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 2, "amount": 67256, "start_date": "2017-04-01", "end_date": "2018-03-31", "raw_data": 176578}}]
Jan. 30, 2024, 4:24 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 53869, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 2, "amount": 67256, "start_date": "2017-04-01", "end_date": "2018-03-31", "raw_data": 151927}}]
Jan. 2, 2024, 4:15 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 46663, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 2, "amount": 67256, "start_date": "2017-04-01", "end_date": "2018-03-31", "raw_data": 131664}}]
Dec. 5, 2023, 4:23 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 39412, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 2, "amount": 67256, "start_date": "2017-03-31", "end_date": "2018-03-30", "raw_data": 97833}}]
Nov. 27, 2023, 2:13 p.m. |
{"external_links": []}
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:35 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 32098, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 2, "amount": 67256, "start_date": "2017-03-31", "end_date": "2018-03-30", "raw_data": 50057}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:35 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 91073, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 13149, "role": "COLLAB_ORG"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:35 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 91072, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 13150, "role": "COLLAB_ORG"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:35 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 91071, "fields": {"project": 9192, "organisation": 13151, "role": "LEAD_ORG"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:35 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectperson", "pk": 57218, "fields": {"project": 9192, "person": 15159, "role": "COI_PER"}}]
Nov. 21, 2023, 4:35 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.projectperson", "pk": 57217, "fields": {"project": 9192, "person": 15160, "role": "PI_PER"}}]
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:03 p.m. |
{"title": ["", "Efficient VERsatile Energy Services Solution Through DC - "EVERESST DC"."], "description": ["", "\nEVERESST DC promotes a DC Micro-Grid Platform (DCMGP) encompassing a unique product and business solution for organisations seeking to provide modern energy services into energy-poor regions of the world. The solution is not just hardware, it is a partnership approach to modern energy access that actively engages end users, operators and stakeholders. All partners are assumed to be for-profit commercial organisations. This ensures long-term effectiveness without dependency on volatile external support. The DCMGP provides high value, low cost energy services (not just electricity) that are dependable, long life, low maintenance and sustainable. The ethos is for "Dependable Services", not just electricity, "Local Ownership", not external dependency and "High Value", not high capacity. \n\nThe core of the DCMGP is a dc supply system based on renewable energy. We will utilise solar photovoltaic systems which have been proven to provide long life, highly reliable, low-skilled maintenance, no emissions, silent operation and transparent performance. \n\nThe most appropriate - highest value - energy service solutions are those with the highest efficiency of generation, transmission and consumption. These characteristics sit at the centre of our proposal. Furthermore, energy efficiency is defined by people as well as equipment and the DCMGP engages with users to encourage efficiency as a natural way of modern energy life.\n\n"], "extra_text": ["", "\n\nPotential Impact:\nThere are approximately 1.2 Billion people without access to reliable modern electricity services with the majority living in sub Saharan Africa and South Asia. This research is geared to develop technologies and processes that are appropriately designed to benefit these people in an environmentally sound and resource efficient manner. \n\nThe provision of such energy services are low carbon, affordable and reliable especially in rural settings in developing countries. The developed DC Micro Grid Platform (DCMGP) will be based on a PV system, that have over 20 year industrial proven reliability coupled with high DC efficiency devices and high degree of user engagement providing robust, reliable and affordable solution for the poor. \n\nHigh reliability DC micro grids will allow LED lighting to improve social cohesion, allow longer hours for studying and equitable development of women, improve personal safety and improve safety from flammables. The provision of useful energy for such things as radio, TV, refrigeration, cell phone charging will provide essential commutation, give access to greater information; improving education, health, wellbeing and business development. In addition successful roll-out will also require training and employment of large numbers of local people. \n\nFurthermore, the PV systems are modular, and the supporting media and human interfaces universally meaningful, allowing flexibility in design and rapid understanding by the users. This offers significant value for the provision of modern energy services for all major sectors such as education, healthcare, cold chain supply (vaccines and consumables), rural infrastructure and agriculture.\n\n\n"], "status": ["", "Closed"]}
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:03 p.m. |
{"external_links": [37856]}
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:03 p.m. |
[{"model": "core.project", "pk": 9192, "fields": {"owner": null, "is_locked": false, "coped_id": "83ff99be-f5e9-498c-a0d6-16db4266fd06", "title": "", "description": "", "extra_text": "", "status": "", "start": null, "end": null, "raw_data": 50041, "created": "2023-11-20T13:24:00.011Z", "modified": "2023-11-20T13:24:00.011Z", "external_links": []}}]