WP1 - To design and commission environmental reaction cells that enable multi-modal characterisation of materials, fluids and theirinterfaces under 'real-world'conditions over multiple length-and time-scales; (ii) To develop truly correlative methods and data collection strategies to analyse coupled and complex behaviour using the same sample, in the same environment and measured at the same time; (iii)To build a platform for data interpretation, screeningand handling,and for predictive models,to enableinterface-focused design. WP3 - Apply beamline techniques (WP1)to enable operandomulti-length scale, high temporal andspatial resolutionassessment of chemical processesin fluids, solids and interfaces between them;(ii) Extend our knowledge of interface dynamics by correlatingreaction dynamicswith structural information to increase model predictability and enable targeted development; (iii) Produce modular libraries to link physics-based models with ML tools to discover/design new activesurfaces.