The Covid-19 pandemic has created a historic crisis for economies and energy markets. In response to calls from
governments around the world, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has released a Sustainable Recovery Plan for
actions that can be taken over the next three years. Hydrogen (H2) production, use and storage is one of the Strategic
Opportunities defined by the plan. The uninterrupted and reliable energy supply is crucial for any economy and
hydrogen was identified as a versatile energy carrier. As such, hydrogen can be used in industrial applications, transport,
buildings and to store electricity over a designed period of time. The surplus electricity (to be stored) is mainly tied to
the offshore wind production. The Crown Estate Scotland has recently launched the ScotWind leasing project and is
open to allowing the most effective technology, including hydrogen, for offshore wind energy transportation and
capture. The risks of geological storage and related reservoir engineering are currently poorly constrained, but must be
understood prior to fluid injection into any suitable storage site. This EndD project seeks to address this knowledge gap.
The work will advance understanding of geological controls for H2 geoenergy storage, and, importantly, the processes
governing H2 flow.