Smart Energy Prepayment




Start Date
May 31, 2015

End Date
Sept. 29, 2015


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By the end of 2020, ~51 million smart energy meters will be fitted in over 26 million households across England, Scotland and Wales. The meters will provide customers with accurate real time information on energy use and have the capability to communicate directly with the energy supplier. The roll out to prepay customers will be delivered in parallel to the full scale roll out programme. Prepayment meters allow customers to pay for gas and electricity up front. Customers pay for their gas and electricity in advance, typically using a key or smart card at local stores; they top up with credit to get their gas and electricity. Smart Energy Prepayment is a new type of prepayment processing technology that for the first time will eliminate the delays in crediting prepayment electricity and gas meters that currently frequently occur due to prepayments being credited to the wrong accounts. These delays invariably result in homes being without heat and light and the administrative cost of resolving misdirected prepayments is one of the reasons why people living in fuel poverty (typically low income households, those in rented accommodation) currently have to pay more for their electricity and gas than people with credit accounts.

Subjects by relevance
  1. Electricity
  2. Energy
  3. Customers
  4. Natural gas
  5. Credits
  6. Households (organisations)
  7. Production of electricity
  8. Prices
  9. Poverty
  10. Smart grids

Extracted key phrases
  1. Smart Energy Prepayment
  2. Smart energy meter
  3. Prepayment electricity
  4. Prepayment meter
  5. Gas meter
  6. Prepayment processing technology
  7. Misdirected prepayment
  8. Energy use
  9. Accurate real time information
  10. Energy supplier
  11. Credit account
  12. Customer
  13. Low income household
  14. Smart card
  15. New type

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