DTP 2020-2021 University of Lincoln





Start Date
Sept. 30, 2020

End Date
Sept. 29, 2025


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The University of Lincoln's EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership provides PhD studentships in particular thematic areas of robotics and artificial intelligence: smart energy, medical and healthcare support systems and bio-physics inspired robotics. The University has strong research groups in all these relevant areas, so that DTP students are based in a rich research environment with both experienced and new researchers. Each studentship is based on a particular project that advances fundamental computer science or engineering within one of these themes, and has interdisciplinary links to other subject areas. They are designed to use technology to address 'grand challenges' that face the world today - efficient use of energy, improving healthcare in an ageing and dispersed population, improving robotics - by developing enhanced fundamental technology. The studentships are advertised at https://www.findaphd.com/ and on the university's website at https://www.lincoln.ac.uk/home/studywithus/postgraduatestudy/researchstudentships/, where further details can be found.

Academic members of staff at the University can propose projects within the subject areas described above, in response to an annual call, and Early Career Researchers are particularly encouraged to contribute. Projects will be chosen based on the intellectual excitement, alignment with University strategy and national/global priorities, contribution to the discipline, interdisciplinarity, quality of the supervisory team and involvement of external partners.

Applications for Case Studentships (jointly funded 50% with industrial partners) are also encouraged. Further details are available from the Doctoral School website: https://doctoralschool.lincoln.ac.uk.

Andrew Hunter TGH_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Universities
  2. Robots
  3. Artificial intelligence
  4. Robotics
  5. Research
  6. Technology
  7. Higher education (teaching)
  8. Partnership
  9. Energy efficiency
  10. Cooperation (general)
  11. Research activity

Extracted key phrases
  1. DTP student
  2. University strategy
  3. EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership
  4. Particular thematic area
  5. Subject area
  6. Relevant area
  7. Lincoln
  8. Phd studentship
  9. Particular project
  10. Strong research group
  11. Rich research environment
  12. Doctoral School website
  13. Healthcare support system
  14. Enhanced fundamental technology
  15. Fundamental computer science

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