A Revolutionary Rotary Ericsson Heat Pump/Engine





Start Date
Sept. 30, 2016

End Date
Sept. 29, 2017


More Like This

The proposed project is aimed to investigate an innovative heat pump utilizing the Ericsson thermodynamic cycle in early
concept stage. The proposed system is a new technology that could reduce the energy demands in many areas. The
proposed project fits the scope in engines & thermodynamic cycles, and energy efficiency.
The proposed mechanical heat pump utilizing the Ericsson thermodynamics cycle would have near Carnot Cycle ideal
efficiency due to unique innovations of the design:
1) Flat rotors that create the optimum heat exchange area;
2) Independent Induction Motor Generators allow continuously variable rotor rotational velocity and thus compression ratio,
volume, and compression rate, allowing near isothermal compression and expansion;
3) Continuous cycling of the fluid allows for near Isobaric heat exchange in varying conditions;
4) Efficient and simple Induction Motor-Generators - requiring no mechanical linkage and allowing the device to be
hermetically sealed with the inner stator within, greatly increasing service life;
5) Separate, compression, heat exchanger, and expander chambers mean no wasted work on 'dead air', and no thermal
creep between parts of the device, thus eliminating efficiency losses of other systems;
6) Continuous cycling with constant fluid compression, heat exchange, and expansion, unlike other systems;
7) Use of clearance seals eliminates traditional sealing issues. Only four moving parts, no valves, and hermetically sealing
the device and allows very long service life.
The proposed Ericsson heat pump would provide efficient and environmentally friendly cooling. The majority of coolers,
refrigerators, and air conditioners today are based on the vapour compression cycle using CFC's (Freon). Although
efficient, the use of CFC's has significant detrimental environmental issues and its discontinued use is mandated. The
proposed Ericsson system would provide an extremely low maintenance, highly efficient engine able to draw energy from
solar, geothermal, waste heat, and most any other energy source. The engine would be silent and vibration free, making it
applicable to many other applications.
The development of the proposed Ericsson heat pump/engine would provide huge global market opportunities for which the
UK can develop and grow innovative businesses to deliver world-leading solutions.
The unknown factors and risks in this development make it difficult for the partners to take on and the Innovate UK funding
would provide the essential support to enable the consortium expertise areas to come together and create a novel system
creating many jobs across the supply chain with energy consumption per unit cut by 40%, Payback time: 1.5 to 3 years,
and saving about 20 tonnes of CO2 per unit (5kW) per year, achieving UK's Government target.

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Potential Impact:
The impact arising from the project is likely to have significant benefits in the following areas:
The UK economy will benefit from the research by increased economy and employment opportunity that may arise from the
technology taking up. The market potential for the proposed technology is expected to be substantial as energy savings
and greenhouse gases emissions reduction are set to play an increasing role in the energy sector. This will enable the
UK/international companies to develop new businesses. The technology could be internally applied and (or) exported to
other countries, such as EU, Asia, Middle East, Africa and China. This may increase UK's economic volume considerably
and create new job opportunities, which are expected to be achieved in 5 years commercial development.
The significant market potential of the proposed system will provide the UK with economic benefits due to product sales
and employment opportunities. This agreement for exploitation of results will allow the specific technological background of
the partners to remain their own property. Only the results of the project will be covered by the agreement and therefore the
agreement will protect the interest of each partner with reference to their technology background.
This project will create a proof of concept and prototype Ericsson heat pump/engine for sustainable heating cooling and
power generation. The revolutionary design is simple, low cost, silent, vibration free, valve-less, long life, and CFC free.
The device will reduce the cost of heat pumps, refrigerators, freezers, and air-conditioners by providing a device applicable
to many applications. Operated as an engine, the device will allow more efficient conversion of solar and waste heat into
electricity, as well as provide clean and efficient small to large scale external combustion engines for many applications.
The unique system of paired rotating rotors is used to create the ideal Ericsson cycle, the realization of the ideal Carnot
cycle, the most efficient heat cycle possible. Only proven, mature technologies, techniques, and methods are used in this
ground breaking design. The device uses the phased rotor rotation to create expansion and compression chambers, using
the environmentally friendly gases of hydrogen or helium. The system has been modelled in a leading university to show
the system will realize a COP greater than existing systems. The project provides a great opportunity for UK industries to
pioneer the development of this revolutionary Heat Pump/Engine technology. This will lead to numerous commercial
products which strengthens UK competitiveness and growth of SME companies.
The project will benefit the UK in terms of advancing technology, economic opportunities and positive environmental
impact, adding value by providing a platform for collaboration between academic and industrial parties and allowing the UK
companies to compete with overseas companies in the field of glasshouses and protected cropping. SMEs will introduce
the new technology to the market with the direct creation of new jobs and further employment throughout the supply chain
in the energy sector. Manufacturing industries will benefit from the sales of a new product offered both in the UK and

Saffa Riffat PI_PER
Yuehong Su COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Greenhouse gases
  2. Emissions
  3. Heat pumps
  4. Heat energy
  5. Sustainable development
  6. Innovations
  7. Decrease (active)
  8. Energy efficiency

Extracted key phrases
  1. Revolutionary Rotary Ericsson Heat Pump
  2. Ericsson heat pump
  3. Ericsson thermodynamic cycle
  4. Efficient heat cycle possible
  5. Ideal Ericsson cycle
  6. Ericsson system
  7. Innovative heat pump
  8. Mechanical heat pump
  9. Optimum heat exchange area
  10. Revolutionary Heat Pump
  11. Isobaric heat exchange
  12. Engine technology
  13. Waste heat
  14. Efficient engine able
  15. Heat exchanger

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