Cleaner Fuels via Atomic Imaging and Elemental Engineering

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Cleaner Fuels via Atomic Imaging and Elemental Engineering




No funds listed.

Start Date
Sept. 20, 2020

End Date
Feb. 29, 2024


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The student will develop and apply advanced in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques towards improving nanoparticle catalysts to support the energy transition. In particular the student will seek to develop in situ gas and liquid phase TEM imaging and analysis techniques combining graphene liquid cell and commercial silicon nitride environmental cell holder platforms. The resulting platform will be applied to study the evolution of nanoparticle catalysts under realistic environmental conditions (in liquids or gas and at elevated temperature). Such new structural and chemical insights will be applied to assist in the development of new catalytic systems with improved performance for reactions relevant to carbon reduction and reaching a Net Zero energy goal.

Sarah Haigh SUPER_PER
Sam Sullivan-Allsop STUDENT_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Nanoparticles
  2. Catalysis
  3. Electron microscopy
  4. Catalysts
  5. Graphene
  6. Microscopy
  7. Liquefied gas
  8. Students

Extracted key phrases
  1. Commercial silicon nitride environmental cell holder platform
  2. Cleaner Fuels
  3. Liquid phase TEM imaging
  4. Elemental Engineering
  5. Situ transmission electron microscopy
  6. Atomic Imaging
  7. Graphene liquid cell
  8. Situ gas
  9. Student
  10. Nanoparticle catalyst
  11. Realistic environmental condition
  12. New catalytic system
  13. Analysis technique
  14. Net Zero energy goal

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