Greenhouse Gas Removal by Accelerated Peat Formation





Start Date
May 9, 2021

End Date
Nov. 9, 2025


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Peatlands store more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem, both in the UK and globally. As a result of human disturbance they are rapidly losing this carbon to the atmosphere, contributing significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

We propose to turn this problem into a solution, by re-establishing and augmenting the unique natural capacity of peatlands to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and to store it securely for millennia. We will do this by working with natural processes to recreate, and where possible enhance, the environmental conditions that lead to peat formation, in both lowland and upland Britain. At the same time, we will optimise conditions to avoid emissions of methane and nitrous oxide that could offset the benefits of CO2 removal; develop innovative cropping and management systems to augment rates of CO2 uptake; evaluate whether we can further increase peat carbon accumulation through the formation and addition of biomass and biochar; and develop new economic models to support greenhouse gas removal by peatlands as part of profitable and sustainable farming and land management systems.

Implementation of these new approaches to the 2.3 million hectares of degraded upland and lowland peat in the UK has the potential to remove significant quantities of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, to secure carbon securely and permanently within a productive, biodiverse and self-sustaining ecosystem, and thereby to help the UK to achieve its ambition of having net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Christopher Evans PI_PER
Martin Evans COI_PER
Mariecia Fraser COI_PER
Fred Worrall COI_PER
Richard Lindsay COI_PER
Davey Jones COI_PER
David Chadwick COI_PER
Niall McNamara COI_PER
Iain Donnison COI_PER
Mark Reed COI_PER
Mirjam Roeder COI_PER
Jonathan Ritson RESEARCH_COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Greenhouse gases
  2. Climate changes
  3. Emissions
  4. Peatlands
  5. Carbon dioxide
  6. Peat
  7. Atmosphere (earth)
  8. Bogs
  9. Methane
  10. Environmental effects
  11. Carbon
  12. Environmental changes
  13. Climate protection
  14. Decrease (active)

Extracted key phrases
  1. Greenhouse Gas Removal
  2. Accelerated Peat Formation
  3. Peat carbon accumulation
  4. Global greenhouse gas emission
  5. Peatlands
  6. Terrestrial ecosystem
  7. Peat formation
  8. Lowland peat
  9. CO2 removal
  10. Unique natural capacity
  11. Land management system
  12. CO2 uptake
  13. Atmosphere
  14. UK
  15. New economic model

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