




Start Date
March 31, 2021

End Date
March 31, 2024


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Climate and environmental (CE) risks (CER) to our economy and society are accelerating. CER include climate-related physical risks such as floods, storms, or changing growing seasons; climate-related transition risks such as carbon pricing and climate litigation; and environmental risks such as biodiversity loss.

It is now well accepted that CER can impact asset values across multiple sectors and pose a threat to the solvency of financial institutions (FIs). This can cause cascading effects with the potential to undermine financial stability.

The adoption of CER analytics will ensure that CE risks can be properly measured, priced, and managed by individual FIs and across the financial system. This is also a necessary condition to ensure that capital is allocated by FIs towards technologies, infrastructure, and business models that lower CER, which are also those required to deliver the net zero carbon transition, climate resilience, and sustainable development. These twin tracks - greening finance and financing green - are both enabled by CER analytics being appropriately used by FIs.

The UK is a world-leader in Green Finance (GF). UK FIs have played a key role in GF innovation. Yet, despite these advances and leadership in almost every aspect of GF, UK FIs cannot secure the data and analytics needed to properly measure and manage their exposures to CER. While the last decade has seen the exponential growth of CE data, as well as improved analytics and methods, often produced by world-leading UK science, the vast majority of this has not found its way into FI decision-making. Our vision for CERAF is to establish a new national centre to resolve this disconnect.

CERAF aims to enable a step-change in the provision and accessibility of data, analytics, and guidance and accelerate the integration of CER into products and decisions by FIs to manage CER risks and drive efficient and sustainable investment decisions, thereby delivering the following impacts:
- Enhance the solvency of individual FIs in the UK and globally and so contribute to the resilience of the global financial system as a whole for all, as well the efficient pricing and reallocation of capital away from assets at risk to those that are more resilient.
- Underpin the development and the growth of UK GF-related products and services.
- Enable a vibrant ecosystem of UK enterprises providing CER analytics and realise the opportunity for UK plc of being a world-leader in the creation and provision of CER services.

Our vision is that CERAF will be the nucleus of a new national centre established to deliver world-leading research, information, and innovation to systematically accelerate the adoption and use of CER data and analytics by FIs and to unlock opportunities for the UK to lead internationally in delivering CER services to support advancements in greening finance and financing green globally

It aims to overcome the following barriers: 1) Making existing data on hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposures more accessible and useable for FIs, with clearly communicated confidence and with analytics that does not yet exist being secured; 2) Consistency and standards to reduce fragmentation, facilitate innovative products and enable the efficient flow and use of data; 3) Assurance and suitability are needed to understand which CER analytics are best suited for particular uses and provide transparency into underlying data and methodologies, so that CER analytics can be trusted and used; 4) Unlocking innovation through supporting FIs to test new approaches in a lower-risk way; and 5) Building capability, knowledge, and skills within FIs to analyse and interpret CER data. Resolving these barriers is a necessary condition for repricing capital and avoiding its misallocation, and achieving the UK's ambitions on GF.

University of Oxford LEAD_ORG
Flood Re PP_ORG
Deloitte LLP PP_ORG
Green Finance Initiative PP_ORG
BAE Systems Pension Funds PP_ORG
Chartered Inst for Securities & Invest PP_ORG
Accounting for Sustainability PP_ORG
Nexus Leeds Ltd PP_ORG
Insurance Development Forum (UK) PP_ORG
Royal Institution of Great Britain PP_ORG
Aviva Plc PP_ORG
Universities Superannuation Scheme Ltd PP_ORG
AON Solutions Ltd PP_ORG
Lloyd's of London PP_ORG
Lloyds Banking Group PP_ORG
Impax Asset Management PP_ORG
Clyde & Co LLP PP_ORG
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries IFoA PP_ORG
Oasis Loss Modelling Framework Ltd PP_ORG
Quant Foundry Limited PP_ORG
Oliver Wyman PP_ORG
United Nations Environment Programe UNEP PP_ORG
Towers Watson PP_ORG
CDC Group plc PP_ORG
Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrast PP_ORG
Climate Bonds Initiative PP_ORG
Chartered Banker Institute PP_ORG
JBA Risk Management Ltd PP_ORG
ClearGlass Analytics limited PP_ORG
Satellite Applications Catapult PP_ORG
Marsh & McLennan Companies PP_ORG
RenaissanceRe PP_ORG
Acclimatise PP_ORG
One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds PP_ORG
CFA Society of the UK PP_ORG
Coalition for Climate Resilient Investme PP_ORG
Tesco PP_ORG
Baillie Gifford & Co PP_ORG
Met Office PP_ORG
Fathom Global PP_ORG
Department for Work and Pensions PP_ORG
HSBC Holdings plc PP_ORG
Icebreaker One Limited PP_ORG
The World Bank PP_ORG
UK Finance PP_ORG
Global Earthquake Model Foundation COLLAB_ORG
Leeds City Council COLLAB_ORG

Ben Caldecott PI_PER
Jon Blower COI_PER
Ralf Toumi COI_PER
Lukasz Szpruch COI_PER
Jason Lowe COI_PER
Martin Siegert COI_PER
Francesca Pianosi COI_PER
Leonard Shaffrey COI_PER
Charles Donovan COI_PER
Rowan Sutton COI_PER
Michael Wilkins COI_PER
Jim Hall COI_PER
Brian Matthews COI_PER
David Wallom COI_PER
Paul Bates COI_PER
Iain Clacher COI_PER
Rachel James COI_PER
Friederike Otto COI_PER
Alex Money COI_PER
Matthew McCarten RESEARCH_PER
Nicola Ann Ranger RESEARCH_COI_PER
Lukasz Szpruch COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Risk management
  2. Enterprises
  3. Risks
  4. Sustainable development
  5. Climate changes
  6. Data security
  7. Finance
  8. Decision making

Extracted key phrases
  1. CER risk
  2. CER analytic
  3. CER datum
  4. Environmental risk
  5. CER service
  6. Low CER
  7. UK fi
  8. Transition risk
  9. Physical risk
  10. Risk way
  11. CERAF
  12. Individual fi
  13. UK GF
  14. UK science
  15. UK plc

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