With the intention of encouraging UK manufactures to develop and produce new innovative
light aircraft free from expensive regulatory compliance costs new Single-Seat De-Regulated
(SSDR) microlight aeroplane rules were published by the UK Civil Aviation Authority on 28
May 2014. Many other countries already allow uncertificated light aircraft of around 300kg
Maximum Take-Off Mass and the CAA concluded that removing disproportionately
burdensome and unnecessary UK regulations would provide an opportunity to re-vitalise this
light aviation sector by encouraging innovation and new product development. Our project
takes advantage of these far less restrictive regulations to serial produce an innovative hybrid
electric and jet turbine soarable microlight aircraft for this new domestic market and,
particularly, for export markets where UK manufacturers are not currently represented.
Substantial regulatory compliance costs and delays hamper innovation and have pushed the
pricetag of a modern high performance self-launching sailplane beyond £100,000. Microlight
aircraft cost less but are of much lower performance. Our SSDR product bridges the
price/performance gap. It's innovative design means it can taxi quietly and accelerate rapidly
to take off speed independently, without any outside assistance. In flight the engine can be
easily turned on and off at will, without needing to extend it, meaning the aircraft can be
flown as a pure sailplane in engine-off soaring flight or power climb or cruise to transit. Our
microlight aircraft can be kept in it's road trailer, and be simply rigged and ready in 15
minutes. The removal of expensive compliance costs and an innovative design, together with
the use of modern materials and production methods means that we can serial produce our
aircraft in the UK at a very competitive price and comply with industry and consensus safety