ViridiCO2 Catalytic Solutions




Start Date
Sept. 30, 2021

End Date
Sept. 29, 2022


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ViridiCO2 is a new, globally innovative spin-out from the University of Southampton that aims to provide transformative technology to the chemical manufacturing industry by implementing solutions that directly use carbon dioxide (CO2) to make chemical intermediates that find use in everyday items, such as the foams inside furniture, electrolytes for batteries, or fibres for clothes.

Through intensive research efforts carried out during a recent PhD project, a new catalyst technology has been discovered that is capable of directly inserting carbon dioxide into chemical intermediates. This provides not only a method for **directly utilising CO2 from anthropogenic emissions** but reduces our petrochemical reliance by replacing fossil-fuel based starting materials with CO2, saving vital natural resources. Through implementation into the UK and international chemical industry, our technology offers the potential to advance chemical manufacturing in the UK, reducing lead times of industrially important materials. This bolsters the UK's manufacturing capability and lessens reliance on international imports, transitioning towards a more circular supply chain and makes for a more sustainable nation.

To successfully bring this technology to market and make efficient CO2 utilisation a reality, we must ensure sustainable quantities of the catalyst technology is available, and a seamless supply chain is available to chemical manufacturers. Through engagement with industrial contacts during a 3-month market validation process, supported by InnovateUK's ICURe programme, we have identified a series of chemical manufacturers that could implement our technology into their production process, enabling them to produce chemicals directly from CO2\.

Through this InnovateUK funding call, we aim to accelerate the technology readiness level the ViridiCO2 catalyst technology by effectively scaling to pilot-level, developing continuous production capability that seamlessly produces the catalyst. This, in turn, will allow us to validate the effectiveness of our catalyst technology to provide tailored chemical intermediates for chemical manufacturers.

Demonstrating this capability is critical for the implementation of carbon capture utilisation (CCU) technology, as it will lay the foundation for industrial-scale CCU to be tested, accelerating our capability to provide the UK with world leading technology that actively contributes towards the UK's strategy to mitigate greenhouse emissions and reach net-zero by 2050\.

Viridico2 Ltd LEAD_ORG

Subjects by relevance
  1. Emissions
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Chemical industry
  4. Technology
  5. Chemical technology
  6. Carbon
  7. Catalysts
  8. Catalysis
  9. Chemicals
  10. Sustainable development
  11. Supply chains
  12. Industry
  13. Manufacturing
  14. Carbon fibres
  15. Environmental effects
  16. Decrease (active)
  17. Innovations

Extracted key phrases
  1. ViridiCO2 Catalytic Solutions
  2. New catalyst technology
  3. Viridico2 catalyst technology
  4. Chemical manufacturing industry
  5. Technology readiness level
  6. International chemical industry
  7. Tailored chemical intermediate
  8. Transformative technology
  9. Chemical manufacturer
  10. Innovative spin
  11. Manufacturing capability
  12. Continuous production capability
  13. Carbon capture utilisation
  14. Month market validation process
  15. Carbon dioxide

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UKRI project entry

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