Policy Placement: Government Office for Science-NERC





Start Date
Sept. 30, 2015

End Date
Sept. 29, 2016


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Policy Placement: Government Office for Science-NERC.

The Government Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) is the personal adviser on science and technology-related activities and policies to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet; and head of the Government Office for Science. He advises on a wide range of science topics including climate change, relying on expertise both from scientists working within Government Departments, from the Departmental Chief Scientific Advisors, and from the Government Office of Science. While there is a wealth of expertise on climate change within Government, the scientific community have a key role to play in providing specific specialist expert knowledge and up to date information on key policy relevant issues. This policy placement would provide analysis and advice as needed to the Government CSA, and to individual Departments, being able to draw on both the published scientific literature and on individual expert advice. This will provide timely information to government, as a rapid response to questions as they arise. It will also identify and analysing key, high-profile climate issues such as fracking, geoengineering, renewables, bioenergy, trade-offs between climate mitigation and food and energy security, and impact of extreme events such as flooding.

Much of the climate change knowledge produced in the UK, and the academic experts producing it, are funded through the Natural Environment Research Council. As a publicaly funded body, it is important that this work is of use to society, and thus that it forms a basis for evidence-based policy. However Government departments often need help to identify who key experts are, and academics need to understand how their work can best meet the needs of current and planned policy, as well as highlight where policies may need to change to continue to achieve desired outcomes for society. This placement will help to facilitate relationships between Government and the academic community, embedding connections and ways of working that will lead to continued and long-lasting engagement.

This placement will work with the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, with the Government Office of Science, with Specific Government Departments such as DECC, Defra, DFID, FCO, and with the independent advisory body on UK emission targets and climate change, the Climate Change Committee. It will identify how science is already being used in government, and build on examples of best practice and gaps to produce a strategic framework for long-term embedded engagement of the academic community in contribution to the needs of policy advisers. This will ensure that government is aware of the best available scientific information, and that the funding and production of science is sensitive to policy needs.

Joanna House PI_PER
Joanna House FELLOW_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Climate changes
  2. Climate policy
  3. Emissions
  4. Science policy
  5. Energy policy
  6. Climate
  7. Climate protection
  8. Science
  9. Scientific knowledge
  10. Sustainable development
  11. Placement (work)
  12. Administration (systems of a society)
  13. Greenhouse gases
  14. Government policy
  15. Expertise
  16. Public administration
  17. Central government

Extracted key phrases
  1. Policy placement
  2. Government Office
  3. Government Chief Scientific Adviser
  4. Key policy relevant issue
  5. Policy need
  6. Policy adviser
  7. Specific Government Departments
  8. Planned policy
  9. Government CSA
  10. Climate change knowledge
  11. Departmental Chief Scientific Advisors
  12. Science
  13. Profile climate issue
  14. Individual expert advice
  15. Key expert

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