MP1: a novel enzyme for bio-manufacturing Adipic Acid




Start Date
Feb. 1, 2022

End Date
July 30, 2023


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**PROBLEM:** Adipic acid (ADP; aka hexanedioic acid) is an important chemical. It is used for manufacturing many common materials including polyurethanes, plasticisers used in PVC production, and Nylon 6,6 (which consumes ~75% of all ADP made).

ADP is manufactured via a multi-step reaction:

* Benzene is reduced to cyclohexane at high-pressures and high temperatures using a catalyst (e.g., Ni/Al2O3) and a hydrogen feed.
* Cyclohexane is oxidized using air plus a metal catalyst (e.g., cobalt) to generate a cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol mixture (KA oil).
* KA oil is oxidized with nitric oxide and copper/ammonium metavanadate to produce ADP \[conversion yield ~95%\].

Industrial ADP manufacturing causes significant environmental problems:

* Around 10% of global nitric oxide (NOx) emissions are from ADP production.
* The benzene feedstock is a non-renewable petroleum compound and volatile carcinogen.
* Spent metal catalysts create toxic waste streams.

**OPPORTUNITY:** Mellizyme are engineering a novel enzyme 'MP1' and have recently identified that it exhibits activity that enables the conversion of cyclohexane to ADP in air, enabling a greener ADP manufacturing method.

**KEY PROJECT OBJECTIVES:** Deploy synthetic biology approaches to engineer MP1 to increase its thermostability, conversion rate speed, and diminish the formation of unwanted by-products. The project outputs will help Mellizyme to plan a future collaborative industrial demonstrator project showing how MP1 can be used at-scale for industrial ADP manufacturing.


* Chemosynthetic methods of ADP manufacture suffer low conversion rates of cyclohexane and selectivity issues, leading to the formation of diacid contaminants, posing purification problems.
* Catalytic degradation of NOx requires additional capital and energy expenditures.
* Biomass-derived routes frequently require expensive precious metal catalysts.


* MP1 works at atmospheric pressure and at a lower temperature than existing methods. This significantly reduces the energy requirement for ADP manufacturing using MP1 when compared to the high-pressures and high temperatures needed for the usual routes by which ADP is manufactured.
* MP1 removes the need for metal catalysts, preserving rare metals, and stopping toxic metal waste formation.
* Zero NOx production, supporting net zero targets.

Jacob Nathan PM_PER
Jacob Nathan PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Emissions
  2. Catalysis
  3. Catalysts
  4. Manufacturing
  5. Wastes

Extracted key phrases
  1. Green ADP manufacturing method
  2. Industrial ADP manufacturing
  4. ADP manufacture
  5. ADP production
  6. ADP \[conversion yield
  7. Manufacturing Adipic Acid
  8. Expensive precious metal catalyst
  9. Toxic metal waste formation
  10. Novel enzyme
  11. Future collaborative industrial demonstrator project
  12. High temperature
  13. Rare metal
  14. Low conversion rate
  15. Adipic acid

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