Using Heat Energy From Cool Computers




Start Date
Aug. 31, 2018

End Date
Aug. 30, 2019


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This 12 month project investigates the use of a disruptive design of computer, the Cool Computer, which, because it can operate in water, regulates its’ operating temperatures by transferring heat to the water. This transfer of waste heat energy to water could provide low grade heat energy directly to a building where the computing cluster is installed. The project directly contributes to the Energy Trilemma:
1. Reduced cost heating for the property (heat user).
2. Increased security of supply for the data centre customer – not dependant on one machine.
3. Elimination of the need for grid reinforcement and increased security of supply on an aggregated basis.
4. Significant reduction in carbon emissions by eliminating the cooling energy required with traditional data centres.
During the project, we aim to build and test the heat transfer properties of a Cool Computer and complete a review of the potential market.

Cybula Limited LEAD_ORG

Tom Jackson PM_PER
Tom Jackson PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Heat transfer
  2. Heat energy
  3. Emissions
  4. Projects
  5. Data security
  6. Climate changes
  7. Safety and security
  8. Decrease (active)
  9. Heating (spaces)
  10. Computers

Extracted key phrases
  1. Heat transfer property
  2. Low grade heat energy
  3. Waste heat energy
  4. Month project
  5. Cool Computers
  6. Use
  7. Heat Energy
  8. Heat user
  9. Energy Trilemma
  10. Disruptive design
  11. Water
  12. Traditional datum centre
  13. Data centre customer
  14. Operating temperature
  15. Cost heating

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