Virtual Acceptance Commissioning
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, there are currently travel restrictions and local quarantine requirements which does not allow commercially viable any onsite commissioning services. Hence, there are no commissioning of Partial Discharge (PD) installations currently being performed and thus electricity network companies are increasingly concerned that their networks are not being monitored, and no warnings or alerts to any potential future network failures.
The commissioning process is critical in any PD installation project. It ensures the installation of equipment and systems is checked and tested, working safely and efficiently, test results are in accordance with any local standards, and to ensure it meets/exceeds customers' requirements specifications. Occasionally, this also involves investigating problems and repairing any faults, performing testing and analysis, producing test and commissioning documents.
IPEC proposes to develop a commissioning and diagnostics package that will allow local engineers to perform the technically complex task of commissioning or maintaining a PD monitoring system. The innovation is unique as this addresses the current PD industry commissioning methods of sending skilled PD engineers to customers' installation sites globally that no other PD company has been able to develop and resolve due to the technical complex testing required.
The new commissioning package will significantly reduce international travel thus contributing towards net zero carbon emissions whilst also influencing the quality of life e.g. physical health, social connection, satisfying employment, and levels of equality, whilst increasing revenue from customers preferring to use eco-friendly suppliers and less dependency on skilled PD engineers required onsite.
Ipec Limited | LEAD_ORG |
Ipec Limited | PARTICIPANT_ORG |
David Hom | PM_PER |
Subjects by relevance
- Customers
- Introduction (deployment)
- Services
- Quality
- COVID-19
- Diagnostics
- Quarantine
Extracted key phrases
- Virtual Acceptance Commissioning
- PD installation project
- Covid-19 pandemic
- Skilled PD engineer
- PD monitoring system
- Local quarantine requirement
- PD company
- Current PD industry
- Electricity network company
- Potential future network failure
- Travel restriction
- Local engineer
- Local standard
- Installation site
- International travel