History of changes to: Sustainable Innovative Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - A Research Network
Date Action Change(s) User
Nov. 27, 2023, 2:12 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Nov. 20, 2023, 2:03 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Nov. 13, 2023, 1:33 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Nov. 6, 2023, 1:31 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Aug. 14, 2023, 1:31 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Aug. 7, 2023, 1:32 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
July 31, 2023, 1:34 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
July 24, 2023, 1:35 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
July 17, 2023, 1:34 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
July 10, 2023, 1:26 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
July 3, 2023, 1:26 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
June 26, 2023, 1:25 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
June 19, 2023, 1:27 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
June 12, 2023, 1:29 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
June 5, 2023, 1:33 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
May 29, 2023, 1:27 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
May 22, 2023, 1:29 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
May 15, 2023, 1:31 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
May 8, 2023, 1:37 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
May 1, 2023, 1:28 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
April 24, 2023, 1:34 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
April 17, 2023, 1:28 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
April 10, 2023, 1:25 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
April 3, 2023, 1:26 p.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
Jan. 28, 2023, 11:08 a.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 28025, "fields": {"project": 5228, "organisation": 2, "amount": 138120, "start_date": "2008-07-31", "end_date": "2012-01-31", "raw_data": 44363}}]
Jan. 28, 2023, 10:52 a.m. Added 35 {"external_links": []}
April 11, 2022, 3:47 a.m. Created 43 [{"model": "core.projectfund", "pk": 20143, "fields": {"project": 5228, "organisation": 2, "amount": 138120, "start_date": "2008-07-31", "end_date": "2012-01-31", "raw_data": 24337}}]
April 11, 2022, 3:47 a.m. Created 41 [{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 76525, "fields": {"project": 5228, "organisation": 5463, "role": "PP_ORG"}}]
April 11, 2022, 3:47 a.m. Created 41 [{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 76524, "fields": {"project": 5228, "organisation": 6720, "role": "PP_ORG"}}]
April 11, 2022, 3:47 a.m. Created 41 [{"model": "core.projectorganisation", "pk": 76523, "fields": {"project": 5228, "organisation": 533, "role": "LEAD_ORG"}}]
April 11, 2022, 3:47 a.m. Created 40 [{"model": "core.projectperson", "pk": 47176, "fields": {"project": 5228, "person": 5894, "role": "COI_PER"}}]
April 11, 2022, 3:47 a.m. Created 40 [{"model": "core.projectperson", "pk": 47175, "fields": {"project": 5228, "person": 3544, "role": "PI_PER"}}]
April 11, 2022, 1:48 a.m. Updated 35 {"title": ["", "Sustainable Innovative Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - A Research Network"], "description": ["", "\nThe UK is a world leader in the design and production of refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) systems with a large proportion of the output being exported. Also, the proportion of the national electricity generation used by such units is large and hence they are as a group a significant producer of greenhouse gases. However, many of these applications exhibit an overall design philosophy that emphasises a first cost basis rather than high overall efficiency and low life time carbon emissions. In contrast however, although not exclusively so, much of the academic work being carried out in the UK is focussed on tackling the issue of global warming and sustainability. The key Universities involved in aspects of refrigeration and air conditioning research are Ulster, UCL, Bristol, Brunel, Birmingham, Cambridge, City, London South Bank University, Newcastle, Nottingham and Warwick. Unfortunately, collaboration between academic institutions is low and the linkage between UK industry and academia is tenuous in many cases. University research is not considered to be near market and the Industry is often unaware of new and innovative ideas that with industrial input could be commercially developed. Such development is often carried out in conjunction with European partners and therefore any potential UK industrial advantage is lost. Consequently in practice, innovation levels within UK industry are limited and it can be foreseen that in the long term, with the concerns of global warming driving research elsewhere, the UK will loose its pre-eminent position in manufacturing of RAC systems. This proposal is intended to address this problem by creating a network of academic and industrial experts. It will develop over three years a self-sustaining research network in sustainable innovative refrigeration and air conditioning (SIRAC), which will provide a showcase for university research to industry, government, the wider energy research community and funding bodies. The aim is to facilitate the free flow and development of ideas between academia, breaking down barriers to collaboration. SIRAC will provide a focus for strategic planning and development of a research agenda relevant to the needs of the UK industry. It will also facilitate information exchange between industry and academia and to disseminate to the profession knowledge of industrial interest which will make a significant contribution to environmental and strategic energy concerns, as well as remain a key industrial sector in terms of UK PLC. It is anticipated that the outcome of this work will remove barriers and significant reductions in carbon emissions will result. The Network members will benefit from the interaction of researchers from disciplines, with whom they will be able to define strategic collaborations, establishing a framework for future research. The Network will organise workshops and research exchanges, as well as specialised events focused on industrial liaison, the involvement of SMEs in research, proposal writing, research methods, peer review and the sharing of best practice between members both nationally and internationally.\n\n"], "extra_text": ["", "\n\n\n\n"], "status": ["", "Closed"]}
April 11, 2022, 1:48 a.m. Added 35 {"external_links": [19550]}
April 11, 2022, 1:48 a.m. Created 35 [{"model": "core.project", "pk": 5228, "fields": {"owner": null, "is_locked": false, "coped_id": "4e030850-57d6-4e38-95b9-109ba1d65bdd", "title": "", "description": "", "extra_text": "", "status": "", "start": null, "end": null, "raw_data": 24323, "created": "2022-04-11T01:40:25.504Z", "modified": "2022-04-11T01:40:25.504Z", "external_links": []}}]