GelPonic: Smart hydrogels containing graphene-based sensors for precision control of vertical farms
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To meet both the demands of a growing population and reduce the environmental impact of agriculture, there is an acute need to radically improve crop production systems globally. Vertical farming, where crops are produced in controlled environments with optimised growth mediums, water, air and nutrients, is a highly promising alternative to traditional agriculture especially in urban and/or water stressed environments. The vertical farming market is worth$3Bn globally and is predicted to reach $22Bn by 2026 (Forbes, 2018). Due to the micro-controlled environment, the resulting produce is of higher quality due to receiving the essential nutrients and water required for optimum growth and pesticide-free. The market is driven by out-of-season, year-round demand for fresh salad vegetables, especially tomatoes and leafy salad, the market value of which was £1.1bn in 2017.
This project aims to revolutionise food production via controlled environment agriculture and make it globally accessible, including opening new markets in the developing world and capitalising on growing Middle Eastern vertical farming markets. In collaboration with project partners at Crop Health & Protection (CHAP) and Labman Automation Ltd, AEH Innovation Hydrogel Ltd will develop and demonstrate the novel GelPonic system based on an innovative graphene-based growth media that is affordable, long-lasting, re-usable, water-saving, conservative with respect to nutrients, and that filters out pathogens. The proposed vertical farming system will integrate the latest in renewable energy technologies, sensors and controls to significantly improve the precision, productivity and sustainability of controlled environment agriculture practices, whilst reducing carbon emissions to transform and decarbonise the industry.
Aeh Innovative Hydrogel Ltd | LEAD_ORG |
Crop Health and Protection Limited | PARTICIPANT_ORG |
Labman Automation Limited | PARTICIPANT_ORG |
Aeh Innovative Hydrogel Ltd | PARTICIPANT_ORG |
Beenish Siddique | PM_PER |
Subjects by relevance
- Agriculture
- Food production
- Vertical farming
- Crop cultivation
- Greenhouse cultivation
- Sustainable development
- Vegetable cultivation
- Market gardening
- Farms
Extracted key phrases
- Middle Eastern vertical farming market
- Vertical farming system
- Precision control
- Smart hydrogel
- Environment agriculture practice
- Gelponic
- Innovative graphene
- Crop production system
- Sensor
- Growth medium
- Novel GelPonic system
- Market value
- New market
- Traditional agriculture
- Optimum growth
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