In-situ spectroscopic investigations of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts

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In-situ spectroscopic investigations of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts




No funds listed.

Start Date
Sept. 15, 2019

End Date
Dec. 30, 2023


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This project aims to gain new insight into the mechanisms of operation of Manganese-promoted cobalt oxide catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reaction by using Near-Ambient Pressure X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (NAP-XPS surface sensitive spectroscopic technique) to study the surface chemistry of the catalyst in-situ. In particular, manganese doping has been shown to be benefical to the catalyst's activity and selectivity, but it is not well understood why

The objectives are:
Develop methodology to be able to study real commercial FT catalysts using Near-Ambient Pressure XPS
Investigate the effect of manganese doping on the reduction of the catalyst
Investigate the evolution of the surface chemistry of the reduced catalyst in response to water exposure
Perform the Fischer-Tropsch reaction in-situ in NAP-XPS to elucidate the nature of the active phase

The student will employ NAP-XPS to study catalyst samples supplied by BP. To complement our understanding of these materials, the student may also develop simpler model catalysts based on foils and/or evaporated thin films. Other complementary characterization may include but not be limited to: catalytic testing, Infrared Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy

Novel science content
Technique development Mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysts in general lags far behind materials discovery, meaning that most catalysts are discovered by trial-and-error. By studying the surface chemistry of catalysts in-situ, we can gain fundamental understanding of how they work which will allow the rational design of new catalysts. Developing NAP-XPS methodology to study catalysts in-situ is a vital component of this and could be broadly applicable to diverse catalytic systems

Understanding the Fischer-Tropsch process
The FT process converts a feedstock of carbon monoxide and hydrogen into synthetic fossil fuels (gasoline, diesel and kerosene). It is an attractive proposition in light of the need to reduce carbon emissions as the feedstock can come from renewable sources such as biomass or municipal solid waste - potentially enabling "green" fossil fuels. Improving the selectivity, stability and activity of FT catalysts via understanding in detail how they work could hold the key to the widespread adoption of FT as a technology.

University of Manchester LEAD_ORG

Alex Walton SUPER_PER
Fred Tinkamanyire STUDENT_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Catalysts
  2. Catalysis
  3. Spectroscopy
  4. Catalytic converters
  5. Surface chemistry
  6. Emissions
  7. Hydrogen
  8. Fuels
  9. Chemistry
  10. Reduction (chemistry)
  11. Development (active)

Extracted key phrases
  1. Real commercial FT catalyst
  2. Tropsch catalyst
  3. Cobalt oxide catalyst
  4. New catalyst
  5. Simple model catalyst
  6. Heterogeneous catalyst
  7. Catalyst sample
  8. XPS surface sensitive spectroscopic technique
  9. Situ spectroscopic investigation
  10. Tropsch reaction
  11. Tropsch process
  12. Surface chemistry
  13. Technique development mechanistic understanding
  14. XPS methodology
  15. FT process

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