Aggregated domestic energy storage - IP advice




Start Date
July 31, 2014

End Date
Jan. 31, 2015


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We make innovative & user-focused products for you to make smart use of renewable energy. In particular we have new developments in the field of small scale residential energy storage solutions reducing carbon intensity.

Securing appropriate intellectual property protection is important to our current and future business.
Energeno wishes to ensure that the business has the appropriate processes and resources available to develop and deploy appropriate intellectual property strategies. This will include enabling staff to make informed decisions around whether or not to patent innovations, how to build up IP when considering competitor’s IP positions, how to manage IP internally and related issues.

Energeno Limited LEAD_ORG

No people listed.

Subjects by relevance
  1. Innovations
  2. Enterprises
  3. Patents
  4. Intellectual property law
  5. Copyright
  6. Smart products
  7. Innovativeness
  8. Energy

Extracted key phrases
  1. Aggregated domestic energy storage
  2. Small scale residential energy storage solution
  3. Renewable energy
  4. Ip advice
  5. Appropriate intellectual property protection
  6. Appropriate process
  7. Smart use
  8. New development
  9. Innovative
  10. Carbon intensity
  11. Amp
  12. Future business
  13. User

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