Theory and design of active quantum circuit elements




No funds listed.

Start Date
Sept. 30, 2020

End Date
March 31, 2024


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Until the pioneering work of Chua in 1960s, it was taken for granted that there are three lumped circuit elements (two reactive: inductor, capacitor, and one active: resistor), which allow to describe an arbitrary electric circuit. From the considerations of symmetry, Chua showed that there must exist the fourth such element, memristor, which can be considered as a resistor with memory. A realisation of such a structure was only achieved in early 2000s.

Development of quantum technologies since 2000s produced qubit-based quantum analogues of capacitors and inductors, which can be in a quantum superposition of states with different values of C and L, respectively. It would seem that there exist no quantum analogues to resistors and memristors, because of the inherent dissipation. Nevertheless, such analogues are possible due to nonlocality of transport in mesoscopic structures. The PhD student will develop their quantitative theory and model experimental protocols for their investigation.

Alexandre Zagoskin SUPER_PER
Charles Huggins STUDENT_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Memristors
  2. Physics
  3. Quantum mechanics
  4. Electric resistors
  5. Quantum physics
  6. Technological development
  7. Electric circuits

Extracted key phrases
  1. Active quantum circuit element
  2. Quantitative theory
  3. Quantum analogue
  4. Quantum superposition
  5. Quantum technology
  6. Arbitrary electric circuit
  7. Pioneering work
  8. Resistor
  9. Mesoscopic structure
  10. Phd student
  11. Early 2000
  12. Experimental protocol
  13. Chua
  14. Design
  15. Inductor

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