Water Pipe Leakage Repair Technology




Start Date
Jan. 1, 2022

End Date
March 30, 2022


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Earlier this year we received from Innovate UK SBRI funding for experimental development of an innovative product called Origin No Dig that prevents potable water pipes from leaking. An outcomes of this project were securing a UK based water company partner (which we have), and looking to expand internationally and export the technology abroad.


The purpose of this project to start the internationalisation of this new technology. To assess and understand the market and partners that can assist us in deploying a novel technology in new markets.


1. To understand the market for a no dig leak repair technology in UAE
2. To develop a network of potential customers in UAE
3. To find and evaluate a partner to assist us commercialise Origin No Dig
4. Understand any regulatory requirements for deploying Origin No Dig
5. Understand the contracting and business regulation for operating in UAE

**Main Areas of Focus**

We will primarily be focused on the end users in both potable water network distribution and industrial water. Understanding if there is driver to utilise a No Dig repair technology. Water is scarce and expensive, however labour to repair leaks is cheap. Understanding the feasibility of our technology in such a market is vital.

The remaining objectives are fairly straightforward issues to cover if there is indeed a market need for our product and thus we will be looking to develop a client and supply network. Water is heavily regulated and understanding this regulation is critical in determining how long it will take to get the product approved and thus to market.

**Origin No Dig Innovation**

We have developed and tested technology that can repair water pipeline leaks without digging up the pipe to repair it. This technology primarily enhances the benefits and value of our natural resources. Secondary benefits are it reduces greenhouse gas emissions by lowering power demand used for pumping water.

Current repair approaches require excavation to expose the water main, regardless of the size of the leak, and then either installation of a clamp or cutting out and fitting a new pipe.

Our technology will repair any type of pipe and most types of leak, we don't even need to know where the leak is. Its use in the industry will have the following benefits:

* Save water
* Prevent wastage
* Reduce water scarcity
* Reduce carbon emissions
* Reduce repair disruption
* Reduce number of people required to fix leaks

Origin Tech Ltd LEAD_ORG

Keith Waters PM_PER
Keith Waters PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Water
  2. Emissions
  3. Internationalisation
  4. Innovations
  5. Marketing
  6. Product development
  7. Water services
  8. Water pipes
  9. Technology
  10. Technology companies

Extracted key phrases
  1. Water Pipe Leakage Repair Technology
  2. Water pipeline leak
  3. Potable water network distribution
  4. Potable water pipe
  5. Dig leak repair technology
  6. Water company partner
  7. Water scarcity
  8. Industrial water
  9. Water main
  10. New technology
  11. Innovate UK SBRI funding
  12. Current repair approach
  13. New market
  14. Dig innovation
  15. Repair disruption

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UKRI project entry

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