High Reliability Engine Generator (HiREG)




Start Date
March 31, 2014

End Date
March 30, 2016


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The Consortium of Aero Engine Controls (AEC) and the University of Sheffield intend to research a variable flux small, light weight efficient dedicated generator for use with the increasing harsh aero engine environment. The generator will capable of powering such devices as the Electronic Engine Controller (EEC) and be an enabling technology for additional actuator loads, particularly those of transient nature,such as inlet guide vanes, tip clearance, thrust reversers, VSVR, shaft coupling and ignition systems. The primary activities will be to select the preffered machine and voltage regulator topologies, develop novel control strategies for the regulator, experimentally demonstrate the functionality and performance of the prototype generator to TRL4, develop the manufacturing systems and processes required for production of the dedicated generator and demostrate the functionality and performance of the production representative demonstrator in a representative environment to TRL6 .

Chris Winters PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Control engineering
  2. Development (active)
  3. Ignition devices
  4. Generators (devices)
  5. Power electronics
  6. Motors and engines
  7. Product development
  8. Automation
  9. Ignition
  10. Control systems
  11. Regulation (control)

Extracted key phrases
  1. High Reliability Engine Generator
  2. Aero Engine Controls
  3. Electronic Engine Controller
  4. Light weight efficient dedicated generator
  5. Prototype generator
  6. Harsh aero engine environment
  7. Production representative demonstrator
  8. Consortium
  9. Variable flux small
  10. Voltage regulator topology
  11. HiREG
  12. Additional actuator load
  13. Representative environment
  14. Manufacturing system
  15. Ignition system

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