Gallium Oxide Power Semiconductor Devices




No funds listed.

Start Date
Jan. 1, 2020

End Date
Sept. 29, 2023


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Aims and Objectives
- Deliver a disruptive technology for high voltage (>10kV) gallium oxide power electronics application. These devices are ubiquitous in grid-level power systems.
- Main aim is to fabricate a normally-off gallium oxide transistor.
- Explore novel processing techniques including ion implantation, oxide deposition, metallisation and corresponding annealing in order to establish a device technology in B-gallium oxide.
- Design the final power semiconductor device through utilising finite element software that covers 2-D, 3-D field effect transistor structures and process flow.

The work will be undertaken in the Centre for Nano-health cleanroom micro- and nano-fabrication suite. Through a series of novel photolithography, oxide / metal deposition and annealing steps, devices based on B -gallium oxide will be fabricated. The devices fabricated will be based on structures that have previously been designed / modelled using finite element software, a classic drift-diffusion tool that emulates current flow, electric field distribution and process flows of semiconductor device technology. Finally, the device structures will be characterised electrically and physically on probe stations, semiconductor analysers and the microscopy suite available through the Materials Academy. Much of this work will be carried out in the Wolfson Research Laboratory.

Michael Jennings SUPER_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Semiconductors
  2. Semiconductor technology
  3. Transistors
  4. Software design
  5. Power electronics
  6. Devices
  7. Electrical engineering
  8. Gallium
  9. Implants
  10. Voltage
  11. Microelectronics
  12. Electronics
  13. Computer programmes

Extracted key phrases
  1. Gallium Oxide Power Semiconductor Devices
  2. Gallium oxide power electronics application
  3. Final power semiconductor device
  4. Semiconductor device technology
  5. Gallium oxide transistor
  6. D field effect transistor structure
  7. Device structure
  8. Oxide deposition
  9. B -gallium oxide
  10. Disruptive technology
  11. Level power system
  12. Objective
  13. Aims
  14. Explore novel processing technique
  15. Finite element software

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