Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) design, fabrication and characterisation for 5G telecommunication application using GaN

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Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) design, fabrication and characterisation for 5G telecommunication application using GaN




No funds listed.

Start Date
Oct. 2, 2016

End Date
March 30, 2021


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With the prolific demand for ever increasing wireless data capacity coming from emerging technologies such as 4K
video streaming, it is predicted that 4G wireless networks will begin experiencing congestion around 2020 [1]. This
will require a shift in to the millimetre wave band that 5G technology must accomplish.
The aim of this research is to identify, characterise, design, fabricate and experimentally validate GaN based
semiconductor components suitable for integration in to 5G base-station (and/or mobile) transceiver solutions.
These components must fully meet the technical performance requirements of future 5G networks.
1.) (a) With the aid of case studies of 5G use-cases, the system architecture and sub-circuit blocks of a 5G front end
are to be identified. (b) Requirements for all MMIC components should be based on but not limited to system
efficiency requirements; bias voltage selection for active device power requirements; transmit and receive
power-amplifier gain to achieve the signal coverages required by 5G networks; amplifier/mixer bandwidth to
facilitate > 1 Gbs-1 data-rates; identification of a suitable carrier frequency and device technology to implement
local oscillators with high Q-factors and spectral purity; Generation of thermal dissipation requirements
permitting identification of the substrate and IC packaging technology implemented.
2.) (a) Utilise analytics and circuit/EM modelling to qualitatively characterise the individual MMIC GaN active and
passive devices and predict their performance when integrated in to a 5G transceiver (b) Fabrication and
experimental validation of the individual components such that representative models of the GaN devices can
be generated for use in the design of the 5G transceiver within AWR Microwave Office (or ADS).
3.) (a) Complete the design of a 5G transceiver based on the system architecture developed in Objective 1.a and the
models generated in Objective 2.b. Mitigate the expected degradation in performance by EM simulation bond
wire parasitic reactance. (b) Complete a final EM analysis to provide the best prediction of system performance
before fabrication. This is to ensure the requirements in Objective 1.b have been met and to increase the
probability of a first-pass successful design. (c) Fabricate and validate the performance of the MMIC wafers. (d)
Package the individual MMICs and validate their performance ensuring agreement with the Objective 3.b.
4.) Perform an experimental study of the final MMIC design for a 5G use-case to demonstrate in particular > 1 Gbs-
1 data-rates.
Intended Outcomes
It is intended that accomplishment of the objectives listed and thus the aim of the research will result in the
successful demonstration of a 5G transceiver capable of both transmitting and receiving high bandwidth (> 1 Gbs-1)
data in circumstances analogous to the predicted use-cases of 5G networks. The qualitative device modelling
achieved through analytics and simulation (0bjective 2) should be in agreement with the data collected from
experimental validation of the fabricated MMIC device(s) (Objective 3). This will serve as confirmation of the design
philosophy of the MMIC device(s) such that it can be presented to the engineering community or any industrial
partners as a blueprint for the development of future 5G devices.

Khaled Elgaid SUPER_PER
Michael Farage STUDENT_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Wireless technology
  2. Wireless networks
  3. Simulation

Extracted key phrases
  1. Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit
  2. Final MMIC design
  3. G wireless network
  4. G transceiver capable
  5. G use
  6. G telecommunication application
  7. G device
  8. G technology
  9. G base
  10. G network
  11. Individual MMIC gan active
  12. MMIC component
  13. AWR Microwave Office
  14. Pass successful design
  15. MMIC device(s

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