Oxycoal UK





Start Date
Jan. 1, 2007

End Date
June 29, 2009


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The project is aligned with the Low Carbon Energy Technologies priority. Specifically, the proposal is focussed on the development of oxy-fuel firing as a carbon abatement technology, and directly targets the key themes of Combustion technologies that improve plant efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions and Carbon capture technologies, from pre- or post-combustion or oxy-fuel firing technologies . As indicated in the UK Government's Carbon Abatement Technology Strategy (DTI/Pub UR 05/844, June 2005) future thermal power plants will be configured to minimise CO2 emissions. Pulverised coal-fired plant, operating in oxy-fuel firing mode and specifically designed for CO2 capture, has been identified in IEA studies to be a highly competitive clean coal power generation technology, ideally suited to new build advanced/ultra-supercritical plant or for retrofit to existing plant. This project aims to advance the current state-of-art in oxy-fuel firing by addressing critical technology gaps ahead of extensive component testing, plant design and demonstration. The project objectives are: i) to understand the effect of coal type on oxy-fuel combustion; ii) to determine the impact of oxy-fuel on slagging, fouling, & high temperature corrosion; iii) to develop a novel process for NOx/SO2 removal & CO2 purification; iv) to undertake pre-engineering for the testing of a full-scale oxy-fuel burner; and v) to assess reliability, availability, maintainability & operability (RAMO) and safety issues relating to oxy-fuel firing.

Colin Snape PI_PER
John Robinson COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Emissions
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Power plants
  4. Combustion (active)
  5. Carbon
  6. Oxy-combustion
  7. Coal-fired power plants
  8. Decrease (active)
  9. Fuels
  10. Climate changes
  11. Technology
  12. Energy production (process industry)
  13. Safety and security
  14. Greenhouse gases

Extracted key phrases
  1. Low Carbon Energy Technologies priority
  2. Fuel firing technology
  3. Oxycoal UK
  4. Carbon capture technology
  5. Competitive clean coal power generation technology
  6. Fuel firing mode
  7. Carbon Abatement Technology Strategy
  8. Fuel combustion
  9. Future thermal power plant
  10. Combustion technology
  11. Carbon abatement technology
  12. UK Government
  13. Scale oxy
  14. Critical technology gap
  15. Fuel burner

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UK Project Locations