The aim of this project is to develop a **Smart Walkability Platform**. This will help local authorities and other organisations to plan and invest more effectively and comprehensively for the shift towards walking as a means to move around cities and places. By facilitating the greater uptake of walking the platform will contribute to Zero Carbon commitments but also deliver significant physical and mental health benefits. It contributes to the planning for the **'15 Minute City'**, a new vision for a sustainable city of neighbourhoods, where one can find everything in a 15 minute distance from home. Road and public transport planning for long have been the subjects of major planning and investment at all levels, whilst planning for cycling has seen recently a significant boost. However, while **everybody walks**, very little knowledge exists on how people are moving around locally, what makes people walk and how walking access and pedestrian experience can be improved. This project will establish a research-based methodology to **assess and measure the walkability** of the urban realm. Based on this the Smart Walkability Platform will undertake an analysis of existing datasets to evaluate the walkability of routes, and score the walking comfort, safety and experience among other aspects. It further will visualise the quality of the walking environment across a place and help identify necessary improvements. The platform provides a powerful and insightful tool for the planning of development and investment decisions in local authorities, and it puts walkability at the heart of the sustainable transformation of places. The project is led by **Urban Initiatives Studio**. We are urban designers who work interdisciplinary at the intersection of urban design, development and transport planning. We work with the public and the private sector on detailed and strategic urban design projects. We are a creative team, always thinking outside the box to find better ways of designing for cities. We have partnered with experts from the Bartlett School of the Built Environment at **University College London** and with **DXW, a leading digital agency**, to deliver this project. This project will deliver across a number of the themes from the **Government's Clean Growth Strategy** including accelerating the shift to low carbon transport, innovate for a more sustainable public sector, and address the impacts of and mitigate climate change.