Experimental Equipment Call - University of Leeds





Start Date
March 31, 2015

End Date
March 30, 2016


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The objective of this proposal is to refresh and update key items of experimental equipment in activities aligned to proven strengths and critical mass in Medical Engineering and Advanced Materials at the University of Leeds.
The Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering hosts the largest and most advanced musculoskeletal simulation facility in the world. The new simulators will support three of our strategic research challenges: longer lasting joint replacements; regenerative devices and biological scaffolds for tissue repair; and, advanced simulation systems for virtual analysis and design and preclinical testing. They will deliver enhanced functionality, allowing the development and introduction of SAFER (Stratified Approaches For Enhanced Reliability) simulation methods to address the requirements of stratified and personalized medical devices, biomaterials and scaffolds. The simulators will be used for research into the tribology and wear of artificial joints, validation of novel computational methods for prediction of function, studies of wear debris and supporting biocompatibility research and studies of the tribology of biological scaffolds in natural joints, using recently developed methods.
Our research in terahertz (THz) frequency electronics and photonics is internationally leading by any criterion. Much of this activity requires a state-of-the-art and dedicated MBE semiconductor growth system. The new MBE system will allow us to protect the UK's international reputation in this field and, in particular, in the growth and exploitation of THz frequency quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). Over the next five years we will: develop state-of-the-art THz QCLs across the 1-5 THz range, maximizing operating temperature, continuous-wave performance, output power, and gain bandwidth; develop THz QCLs engineered into robust device architectures for use as, for example, local oscillators in earth-observation and planetary science missions; develop compact bench-top QCL-based technologies producing intense, narrowband and precisely controllable pulses for non-linear THz science; and, develop self-organised quantum rod structures for cavity-QED experiments, and new optically-pumped, vertical-cavity surface-emitting room temperature THz lasers.
The Leeds Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy (LEMAS) Centre is a highly successful shared electron microscopy facility. It has high visibility nationally (providing an EPSRC open access scheme for external users since 2008) and internationally (leading the consortium that formed the UK facility at SuperSTEM Daresbury). One of the next great challenges is apply high-resolution imaging and microanalytical techniques to beam sensitive materials, including advanced hybrid materials comprising organic and inorganic components. These are increasingly employed to develop new device and product functionalities. The specification of the new microscope is unique and designed to enable fast mapping of frozen specimens at high accelerating voltage to preserve their chemistry and structure whilst extracting nanostructural information.
We are internationally recognised in spintronics and magnetic materials, with recent appointments extending our materials expertise to include organic molecules, piezoelectrics, topological insulators and superconductors. The new deposition tool will ensure we can continue to supply top quality thin film materials to the UK and internationally, as well as underpinning a general theme of spintronic meta-materials. The functional properties of meta-materials emerge through the design and engineering of the constituent material combinations. With our broad background that includes the ability to structure materials at the nanoscale so that cooperative behaviour arises, we will apply this capability to questions in strategic areas such as quantum effects for new technology, beyond CMOS electronics, energy efficient electronics, and new tools for healthcare.

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Potential Impact:
The research engendered through these investments will provide wide benefit both within the UK and internationally, and includes economic and societal benefits. It will also enhance the skills-base of UK researchers. Illustrative examples are given here, with further examples and more detail provided in the Pathways to Impact.

Economic impact: The University of Leeds has a longstanding track record of translating research to industrial end-users though direct collaboration, licencing of IP, and spin-out, and this has formed a proven model for future translational activity. Alongside direct engagement through established company collaborations, impact and long-term sustainability will be maximized by developing new activity with industry. This will be achieved in part using the resources of the University's innovation hubs, in conjunction with the University's Research and Innovation Service, which deliver knowledge transfer activities in focused industrial sector areas, exploiting HEIF and other funding. Our new Innovation and Enterprise Centre will further stimulate collaboration between external companies, and public and private organizations, and the university; it will also significantly increase our accommodation for technology-led company incubation and provide an active business incubation programme. The 'North-East Quarter' development will embed shared and incubator space adjacent to the Schools involved in this bid.

Skills: Access to the refreshed equipment will enhance the skills and training of four groups of individuals in particular:
1. Post-doctoral research assistants (PDRAs) working on collaborative projects will gain higher-level skills. Typically 80% of PDRAs move on to future careers in industry or public/government bodies that will benefit from the enhanced experience derived.
2. The equipment will support the research training and skills of PhD students funded through our EPSRC DTP and Case awards, and our EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) where there is a particular focus on innovation and translation. These include four Leeds-based CDTs (Complex Particulate Products & Processes, Molecular-Scale Engineering, Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine, and Bioenergy), and partner CDTs (Soft Matter & Functional Interfaces, Integrated Tribology, Next Generation Nuclear, and Carbon Capture & Storage).
3. Industry collaborators, who will gain advanced knowledge, and for whom we will provide specialised training (e.g. for customers of Simulation Solutions in industry, government and academia).
4. Undergraduate and postgraduate students who undertake individual and group projects embedded in the Leeds research groups; the refreshed equipment will enhance their training, skills and employability.
The University is also committed to support the training, development and career progression of technical staff who operate, support and manage these high-level technical facilities.

Wider Societal Benefits: Our work here has wide societal benefit - two illustrative examples include: 1. Terahertz frequency quantum cascade laser-based satellite instrumentation for measurement of key atmospheric species will inform understanding of the chemistry and energy balance of the upper atmosphere, their connection with global climate change, and its resulting societal impact. 2. The ageing population has clear expectations of remaining mobile and healthy, with ambitions of 'fifty active years after fifty'. Our research on SAFER devices and interventions supports this: patients will benefit from more reliable, longer lasting interventions; NHS and policy makers will benefit through more effective, reliable and cost effective treatments; and, the international standards authority (ISO) will benefit from our research outputs and knowledge, and we will input draft standards and enhancements to existing standards.

David Hogg PI_PER
Alexander Davies COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Innovations
  2. Simulation
  3. Development (active)
  4. Biomaterials

Extracted key phrases
  1. Experimental Equipment
  2. Leeds research group
  3. Leeds Electron Microscopy
  4. University
  5. New activity
  6. Research training
  7. Strategic research challenge
  8. New MBE system
  9. New device
  10. Advanced musculoskeletal simulation facility
  11. Advanced hybrid material
  12. Terahertz frequency quantum cascade laser
  13. Room temperature THz laser
  14. Research output
  15. Doctoral research assistant

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