Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Using MOFs: Materials and Process Development

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Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Using MOFs: Materials and Process Development




Start Date
March 28, 2014

End Date
March 27, 2016


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The proposal aims to develop an international collaborative research programme under Topic 4 of the FENCO-NET call: New innovative CO2
capture technologies.
The specific issues addressed in the proposal are:
1. Overall evaluation of new innovative CO2 capture processes based on Metal Organic Framework (MOF) materials;
2. To synthesise (scale-up to kg quantities), characterise,, formulate and evaluate selected MOFs for vacuum swing (VSA) post-combustion capture;
3. To investigate and address adsorbent stability and efficiency in post-combustion carbon capture processes;
4. To investigate and model mass and heat transfer kinetics to enable accurate dynamic process simulations needed for the optimization of the
carbon capture units with respect to energy efficiency and operational and capital costs.
The FENCO-NET call gives the unique opportunity of coordinating the significant research efforts in the partner institutions. SINTEF has the
capability of preparing advanced MOFs which can also be scaled-up to produce formed materials for bench scale process testing. The UoE has
developed new rapid screening techniques, specifically for post-combustion carbon capture and the close collaboration with SINTEF will accelerate
further developments and provide essential stability data to direct novel material synthesis. Significant advances in this field can only be achieved if
material and process development are combined. CERTH brings significant expertise in Vacuum Swing Adsorption (VSA) modelling, simulation, design
and optimization and both the UoE and SINTEF have the capability of evaluating the integration of the novel carbon capture systems in power plants.

More Information

Potential Impact:
See proposal

Subjects by relevance
  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Carbon capture and storage
  3. Simulation
  4. Research programmes

Extracted key phrases
  1. Combustion carbon capture process
  2. New innovative co2 capture process
  3. Combustion carbon Capture
  4. Novel carbon capture system
  5. Carbon capture unit
  6. Combustion capture
  7. Bench scale process testing
  8. Capture technology
  9. Post
  10. Accurate dynamic process simulation
  11. International collaborative research programme
  12. New rapid screening technique
  13. Process development
  14. Novel material synthesis
  15. Advanced mof

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