ThorougH experiMental and numerical investigation of Coupled processes for geologiC Carbon Storage

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ThorougH experiMental and numerical investigation of Coupled processes for geologiC Carbon Storage




Start Date
Aug. 31, 2023

End Date
Aug. 31, 2025


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Geologic carbon storage at the gigatonne scale is deemed a feasible and effective solution to mitigate climate change and reach the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2C. The injected CO2 dissolves into the resident brine, increasing its acidity and promoting chemical reactions of rock that may cause irreversible changes in the rock structure. Assessing these changes is essential to constrain achievable ranges of storage capacity and injectivity and the geomechanical response of the subsurface. THMC4CCS aims at substantially improving the knowledge of CO2-rock-brine interactions and their impact on short- and long-term response of the subsurface to CO2 injection. To do so, it follows a coherent experimental-modeling workflow and establishes a complementary synergy between the experienced researcher (ER) and the supervisor, with expertise in geomechanics and reactive flow in rock, respectively. Laboratory tests target rock types of different carbonate content to arrive at a general understanding and constitutive formulation of coupled chemical-mechanical processes. The resulting model will be implemented in an open-access numerical code, validated by reproducing the laboratory test results, and employed to simulate megatonne-scale CO2 injection. Employing cutting-edge laboratory techniques to assess coupled processes and their direct incorporation into field-scale simulations make this interdisciplinary project unique. The successful development of THMC4CCS will pave the way for optimized geologic carbon storage. An extensive training plan on both scientific and transferable skills is envisioned to not only attain the research goals but also convert the fellow into a leading independent researcher. The proposed application is in line with the EU's overriding concerns on climate change and developing sustainable energy systems. The project has great outreach potential and directly contributes to the European research output, social life, and economy.

Subjects by relevance
  1. Climate changes
  2. Climate protection
  3. Climatic effects
  4. Carbon dioxide
  5. Rock types
  6. Emissions
  7. Simulation

Extracted key phrases
  1. Thorough experimental
  2. Geologic carbon storage
  3. Scale co2 injection
  4. Numerical investigation
  5. Coherent experimental
  6. Access numerical code
  7. Mechanical process
  8. Laboratory test result
  9. Climate change
  10. Rock structure
  11. Rock type
  12. Storage capacity
  13. Gigatonne scale
  14. Irreversible change
  15. Edge laboratory technique

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