ReVISIONS - Regional Visions of Integrated Sustainable Infrastructure Optimised for NeighbourhoodS

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ReVISIONS - Regional Visions of Integrated Sustainable Infrastructure Optimised for NeighbourhoodS




Start Date
March 31, 2008

End Date
Dec. 31, 2012


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This research proposal by the ReVISIONS consortium aims to provide the knowledge for public agencies and companies to plan regional infrastructure for transport, water, waste, and energy, (ranging from large capital schemes to small scale decentralised services), in a more coordinated and integrated way so as to maximise economic competitiveness, reduce environmental and resource impacts, and allow households to live more sustainably with an enhanced quality of life. This research will explore the inter-relationships between infrastructure policies and measures at the regional and local scales and explore the tensions and interactions that exist across these scales, and between sectors. The research builds on the expertise, data, models, and tools of the EPSRC sustainable urban environments projects of SOLUTIONS, (land use and transport), WaND, (water), and SUE-Waste, with additional expertise on energy generation and supply, and building energy demand. The research will aim to develop a holistic and practical integrated framework for the analysis and assessment of the sustainability of regional spatial development. It will devise and test alternative regional spatial strategies integrated across infrastructure sectors and spatial scales to investigate to what extent infrastructure selection, investment, regulation, and pricing can help to achieve more sustainable ways of living. At the regional scale these options will range from focussing new development on the core city of the region, to allocating most of the new dwellings within planned new developments dispersed throughout the region. Regional policies affect the location of development and the density of housing and hence the demand for transport, energy, water and waste services, which has major implications for infrastructure provision. Whilst regional policies can enhance the sustainability of the allocation of land and movement of resources at the regional scale, they also risk constraining sustainable development through limiting opportunities for sustainable action at the local scale. Local solutions clearly have implications at the regional level (via aggregate demand for travel and resources, and waste flows), and have an important role in making efficient use of existing infrastructure capacity and obviating the need for potentially unsustainable capital works. These local sustainability improvements will be re-aggregated to estimate the impacts at the regional level for each of these integrated regional options.The research will be based on case studies of the Greater South East regions, (London, East and South East of England), and contrasted with a case study of a lower growth more polycentric region, such as the North East of England. The research will be carried out in parallel with similar case studies of city regions in other parts of the world to compare and contrast regions of similar size to the Greater South East but at different stages of development. These cases studies will include Beijing, Sao Paulo, and possibly Los Angeles.Each option will be assessed across a wide range of criteria encompassing environmental impacts, use of resources, economy, social inclusion, health, and other quality of life factors. The options will be compared within a multi-criteria assessment framework in full consultation with end users and stakeholders. This will identify the most robust options that perform well for different value judgements and different future scenarios. The research will deliver generic normative guidance and decision support tools for use by central and regional government departments and agencies, regional assemblies, utility companies, developers, planners and designers.

Marcial Echenique PI_PER
Philip Rees COI_PER
Gordon Mitchell COI_PER
J Barton COI_PER
Soon-Thiam Khu COI_PER
Adrian McDonald COI_PER
N Thorpe COI_PER
Michael Kitson COI_PER
David Butler COI_PER
Koen Steemers COI_PER
David Kay COI_PER
John Nelson COI_PER
Matthew Leach COI_PER
Christos Makropoulos RESEARCH_PER
Anthony Hargreaves RESEARCH_COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Sustainable development
  2. Infrastructures
  3. Regional development
  4. Urban design
  5. Energy policy
  6. Regional policy
  7. Traffic
  8. Natural resources
  9. Development (active)
  10. Water services
  11. Household water
  12. Land use
  13. Regionalism
  14. Area planning
  15. Sustainable use
  16. Water quality

Extracted key phrases
  1. ReVISIONS consortium
  2. Regional spatial development
  3. Regional scale
  4. Integrated Sustainable Infrastructure
  5. Regional infrastructure
  6. Regional option
  7. Alternative regional spatial strategy
  8. Research proposal
  9. Regional policy
  10. Regional government department
  11. Regional level
  12. Regional Visions
  13. Regional assembly
  14. Greater South East region
  15. Local scale

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