Next Generation V2X Power Module




Start Date
Aug. 31, 2022

End Date
Aug. 31, 2023


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Indra is the global leader in V2X technology, having designed and manufactured certified hardware and software solutions in the world's largest V2G trials and exported the technology across the globe, manufacturing more than 1,000 units to date.

The existing power electronics stage in the Indra V2X charger was world-leading at its 2018 launch, using high efficiency and lightweight SiC and reducing overall V2X system weight to a wall-mountable 23.5kG. The hardware still leads the market four years later, but trials and commercial operations have identified new requirements in expected operation and behaviour, including an increase in battery size (and voltage) and higher consumption within homes. Energy market changes and complexity in the overall consumer proposition also moves business models towards V2H and V2B models.

The fast evolution of the EV sector and energy markets fundamentally effects the market fit and leaves an open space for innovation. This project addresses these requirements to proof-of-concept level by developing a new power module. The project enhances the industry status quo in multiple innovative areas focused on efficiency, power level, integration with other devices, globalisation, onshoring of technology, upskilling the workforce, energy security, and total cost of system.


Subjects by relevance
  1. Innovations
  2. Enterprises
  3. Technology
  4. Export

Extracted key phrases
  1. Generation V2X Power Module
  2. Indra V2X charger
  3. Overall V2X system weight
  4. V2X technology
  5. Global leader
  6. Energy market change
  7. Large v2 g trial
  8. Power electronic stage
  9. New power module
  10. Power level
  11. Market fit
  12. High efficiency
  13. Overall consumer proposition
  14. Energy security
  15. New requirement

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