Water Energy Food: WEFWEBs




Start Date
Sept. 30, 2015

End Date
Sept. 30, 2018


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The water, energy and food systems (the WEF) of the planet are under strain, sometimes described as the "perfect storm". They are all intrinsically linked and inter-dependent (the nexus), and humanity needs to plot a course to ensure sustainability and in an ideal world, equity of access to resources.
The WEFWEBs project will examine the data and evidence for the water, energy and food systems and their interactions and dependencies within the local, regional and national environment. We need to maintain a balance between the three sometimes opposing directions that our primary systems are moving in to ensure that we safeguard our ecosystems, while still being able to live sustainably, in a world where demands are increasing. To study these systems and their dependencies and interactions, we need to bring together a multitude of different disciplines from the physical, environmental computational and mathematical sciences, with economics, social science, psychology and policy. Each of the three systems needs to be studied through the data that exists concerning their flows, resources and impacts, but also through individual and civic understanding of the systems.
We will collect, synthesise and assimilate existing data, and models with new data that will be collected using new sensing technology and social media. We will examine each of the multiple dimensions of the nexus in three place based studies where we can explore and examine the outputs from data analysis, process and network models, and social perceptions.
This project delivers multiple dynamic WEF nexus maps with spatial level spanning the dimensions of the problem, reflecting current status and changes, and the interactions in the primary systems in space and time. There is currently no critically systemic, participatory, multi-stakeholder mapping of the entire multi-scale WEF nexus for the UK and this project offers innovation in terms of the multi-disciplinarity and variety of methods including systemic intervention, data analytics and crowd sourcing techniques to mapping the WEF nexus.
Ultimately, WEFWEBs will provide a better understanding to citizens and policy makers alike of the effects of choices and decisions to be made.

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Potential Impact:
Our beneficiaries are regulators and policy makers, utility companies, food producers and retailers, individual citizens and academics.
WEFWEbs brings multiple benefits to all these groups;

The fundamental impact from this work will be the improvement in the sustainability of our society and an improved understanding of the consequences of the choices which we make as a citizen or a society:

Policy makers, regulators and planners: Stakeholders will benefit from the ability to make improved decisions around planning and aligning policies at national and regional levels, potentially improving public services. Debates concerning the WEFWEB nexus at national and international level can be informed by this improved understanding which WEFWEBs brings, increasing the effectiveness and evidence base for policy.

Utility companies, primary food producers and retailers: Stakeholders will benefit from WEFWEBs by being able to improve their decision making, by being able to examine the consequences of changes, environmental impacts and ultimately in potential efficiency gains, fostering improved economic performance and the reduction of waste.
Society: Societal and civic impact will take the form of more informed consumer choice, potentially economic benefit to the individual, resilience and more social equality, and thus quality of life. For researchers, academic impact derives primarily from excellence in research, the focus being on delivering new insights into the WEF nexus. This project will provide training and research experience to the postdoctoral researchers across a wide range of research areas spanning the NEXUS. These individuals will benefit from exposure to a broad range of industries, governmental organisations and regulators.
Improved understanding of the nexus will increase the effectiveness of our primary systems, and help improve food security, by mapping out interdependencies. This research at local level could have an immediate impact, but is likely to have a longer term impact.

Marian Scott PI_PER
Lindsay Todman COI_PER
Sharron Kuznesof COI_PER
Julie A McCann COI_PER
Michele Acuto COI_PER
Shaun Larcom COI_PER
Rob Comber COI_PER
Xiaoyu Yan COI_PER
John Ingram COI_PER
Ariella Helfgott RESEARCH_COI_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Sustainable development
  2. Decision making
  3. Strain on the water system
  4. Interaction
  5. Natural resources
  6. Climate changes
  7. Data systems
  8. Eco-efficiency

Extracted key phrases
  1. Water Energy Food
  2. Wefweb nexus
  3. Multiple dynamic WEF nexus map
  4. Food system
  5. Wefweb project
  6. Scale WEF nexus
  7. Primary system
  8. Primary food producer
  9. Food security
  10. Water
  11. Energy
  12. Policy maker
  13. New datum
  14. Civic impact
  15. Long term impact

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