Green Shipping Corridors: Feasibility of the world’s first hydrogen powered North Sea crossing
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ACUA Ocean is a clean-maritime start-up that has designed a zero-emission SWATH vessel powered by liquid-hydrogen, capable of open ocean transits and transportation of a 4.5ton payload.We are partnering with the Port of Aberdeen, a leader in supporting new innovation with world-class infrastructure, ideally positioned for access to the North Sea and offshore renewables sector.
This feasibility study develops a detailed project plan for the world's first hydrogen-powered zero-emission crossing demonstration from the Port of Aberdeen in the UK, to Norway in 2024, an economically important potential green shipping corridor route. UK exports to Norway amounting to £6.8bn (Q4 2021), while total UK imports from Norway amounted to £28.6bn.
The Clydesbank Declaration at COP26, accelerates the assessment of short-sea shipping and green shipping corridors by establishing stakeholder partnerships along the value chain, including Ports and operators to accelerate net-zero maritime operations and deliver more sustainable and resilient transport routes, unlocking coastal economies and removing traffic for road networks.
In the UK, the Department for Transport is looking to operationalise national commitments such as ship operators' near-term plans regarding alternatively fuelled vessels; fuel and technology pathways early movers are looking at and why; collaboration opportunities in countries with shipping links to the UK exploring green corridors; pilots and demonstration plans; and what support would early movers need from the government to support their plans.
The ACUA vessel was developed to align with the UK Government's ambitious agenda for maritime decarbonisation. The policy, set out in Maritime 2050 and the Technology and Innovation in UK Maritime (TIUK) route-map, legislates for all new vessels built and operating in UK waters to be zero-emission propulsion by 2025.The vessel will undergo testing from September 2023\.
The project furthers baseline research conducted by the Port of Aberdeen entitled "Hydrogen Port" by developing new hydrogen risk and regulatory assessments, technical blast and bunkering analysis and expanding use-cases for the safe operation of hydrogen fuels in the Port.
The project will review the technical vessel design and configuration (including stability and ballasting) as well as analysis of the safe storage of liquid-hydrogen on board ACUAs SWATH vessel for open ocean crossings. We will be working with Lloyd's Register and the MCA as subcontractors on the project to ensure the mission plan meets regulatory standards.
Michael Tinmouth | PM_PER |
Subjects by relevance
- Maritime navigation
- Shipping
- Ships
- Harbours
- Green economy
- Norway
- Cooperation (general)
- Research and development operations
- Hydrogen
- Transport
- Infrastructures
- Sea transport
- Logistics
- Marine traffic
- Innovation policy
Extracted key phrases
- Green Shipping corridor
- Important potential green shipping corridor route
- New hydrogen risk
- North Sea crossing
- Green corridor
- Emission swath vessel
- Hydrogen fuel
- Board acua swath vessel
- Technical vessel design
- Emission crossing demonstration
- Detailed project plan
- ACUA vessel
- New vessel
- Open ocean crossing
- Feasibility study
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