Advanced Lithium Ion Capacitors and Electrodes (ALICE)




Start Date
Aug. 31, 2016

End Date
Nov. 30, 2019


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The Advanced Lithium Ion Capacitors and Electrodes (ALICE) project will develop lithium ion capacitors (LICs)

and validate these in a 48V module for use in three market sectors - automotive, e-bus and materials handling

equipment. LICs combine the benefits of lithium ion and supercapacitor electrode materials and structures,

providing enhancing energy density vs supercapacitors and better power density than batteries. Advanced

materials will be developed and scaled (Johnson Matthey) and novel coating techniques (Oxford) used to

provide electrode structures optimsed for high rate capability. Roll to roll coating and A5 pouch cell

manufacture (Warwick Manufacturing Group) will be followed by 48V module build and testing (Johnson

Matthey Battery Systems (JMBS)) based on end user defined requirements (Nacco Materials Handling, BAE

systems, JMBS and Delta Motorsport) and accelerated test protocols. Development of a physics based cell

model (Imperial) will interlink with sophisticated layer structure characterisation (tomography, TEM) & cell

performance results, evolving a rational design approach for specific end use scenarios.

Sarah Ball PM_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Materials (matter)
  2. Accumulators
  3. Electrodes
  4. Lithium
  5. Capacitors
  6. Materials handling
  7. Batteries
  8. Manufacturing engineering
  9. Ions
  10. Tomography

Extracted key phrases
  1. Advanced lithium Ion capacitor
  2. Lithium ion capacitor
  3. Supercapacitor electrode material
  4. Sophisticated layer structure characterisation
  5. Electrode structure
  6. Well power density
  7. Material handling
  8. ALICE
  9. Electrodes
  10. A5 pouch cell
  11. Specific end use scenario
  12. Johnson Matthey
  13. Matthey Battery Systems
  14. Novel coating technique
  15. Energy density

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UKRI project entry

UK Project Locations