Hetergeneous Catalysis - Green Methanol Synthesis



No funds listed.

Start Date
Sept. 30, 2016

End Date
June 30, 2020


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Glycerol is a waste resource generated in the production of biodiesel from triglycerides; a component of oils and fats. The increasing demand at the government level for a bio-sourced component to automotive fuels has driven the generation of a surplus of glycerol. Glycerol in a purified state has many applications in food and pharmaceutical industries; however, the waste glycerol from biodiesel is a majority portion of a crude mixture. This mixture can contain up to 30 percent water, salts, methanol and partially converted triglycerides. Presently, there is little demand for this crude glycerol and as a result remains waste and is often combusted as a disposal method to generate energy.
We have developed a process which can produce methanol in relatively high yields over metal oxide catalysts which have either basic or redox active surfaces. Crucially, this can occur with crude glycerol solutions which have been simply filtered and slightly diluted. The results obtained thus far pave the way for commercial demonstration where the reaction products comprised principally of methanol can be blended with petroleum. Such a process has the potential to dramatically alter current approaches to increase the bio-derived competent of automotive fuels.
The aims of the present work are to maximise the conversion of crude glycerol to molecules suitable for petroleum blend-stock. Principally, we aim to reduce the production of unsuitable components such as aldehydes and carbon dioxide through the production of catalysts with tailored, selective surfaces. Secondly, the use of crude glycerol is required to make an economic case for this technology. Catalysts must be tolerant to the residual impurities present following an appropriate level of purification compatible with large volumes present on an industrial scale. Therefore, the aim is produce effective catalysts, which are selective and tolerant without increasing the production of CO2 through oxidation of impurities.

Graham Hutchings SUPER_PER

Subjects by relevance
  1. Methanol
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Pharmaceutical industry
  4. Wastes
  5. Fuels
  6. Development (active)

Extracted key phrases
  1. Green Methanol Synthesis
  2. Hetergeneous Catalysis
  3. Waste glycerol
  4. Crude glycerol solution
  5. Waste resource
  6. Crude mixture
  7. Glycerol
  8. Metal oxide catalyst
  9. Automotive fuel
  10. Unsuitable component
  11. Production
  12. Residual impurity present
  13. Effective catalyst
  14. Petroleum blend
  15. Large volume present

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